Are you feeling stuck and frustrated because you can’t figure out your next move? Do you find yourself thinking in circles and feeling mentally exhausted?
If so, you’re not alone.
In this blog post, we discuss one of the biggest struggles faced by listeners, students, and potential clients: lack of clarity.
If you have ever experienced this, I know you know exactly how mentally exhausting it can be to want to move forward in something but can’t because you just aren’t sure what that next step is. So, if this is you right now, I just want you to know that you are not alone. This happens way more than you think.
What You Will Learn:
- 3 things you can do if you aren’t sure what your next step in business is
- What will actually help get you out of your head (it’s something you’ve probably been avoiding)
- The one thing that will create massive clarity, results & MOMENTUM
- How community can help you process through what you’re experiencing

My experience with lack of clarity
There have been many times when I just haven’t known what my next step is.
One of the most recent times was actually earlier this year (just a couple of short months ago, to be exact). This lack of clarity actually lasted quite some time.
And I talked a lot about this in episode 53 of this podcast. And that episode is titled,
I Have No Plan for My Faith-Based Business in 2023, Here’s what I’m doing instead.
In Episode 53, I talk about being “in the trenches” and struggling to know the plan God had for my business this year.
But in this blog post, I’m out of the trenches now.
I’ve done a few things which helped me get out of the trenches, and this is where these three things I’m sharing with you have come from.
#1 – Take a Day & Spend Time with Holy Spirit
Take a day and spend time with the Holy Spirit. Take a day (or at least a couple of hours), and be present with the Holy Spirit if you can.
You can do whatever it is you feel led to do with Him that day. Whether it’s prayer, getting in the Word, singing worship songs, dancing to worship songs, or just laying in bed with earbuds in listening to worship music.
When I have days like this, I like to just focus on Jesus while I listen to worship music.
I can’t tell you how incredible it is to just be in His presence.
That said, it’s really important to not go into this by expecting any kind of answer, and I know that sounds counterproductive.
It is really important not to go into this with that kind of expectation because you’re going to miss the whole point of it. The whole point of it is to fully experience the Lord’s presence. Not just expect just an answer, but get to the point where you just want to be with Him.
It comes down to getting to this point of full submission and full surrender and actually just resting in Him.
These moments are about surrendering and resting and letting Him flood you and fill you with His Holy Spirit.
Take a day to spend with the Holy Spirit. Don’t just seek Him for an answer.
I truly believe time spent intentionally with the Holy Spirit is so powerful and will transform your life and your business.
If you are having a really hard time with this, please confess this to Him and ask Him to shift your heart posture.
Ask Him to help you crave him more than you crave business success.
Ask Him to flood your mind with Him instead of your business.
#2 – Do the very last thing God told you to do that you didn’t act on
This was actually kind of difficult for me, because the thing that God told me to act on was to write and to focus on my membership.
To be honest, I still had a lot of questions and confusion around that.
But now, following His leading, I have a membership, the Called to CEO Collective!
But this was hard, because our flesh wants a step-by-step game plan of what to do and every single step to get us to a particular result.
But the truth is, that’s not always possible when we are tuning into the Holy Spirit.
There have been times when I saw the entire vision and knew every step to take, but there have also been times when I just haven’t. Where I only knew one thing for sure, but I kept convincing myself that I was stuck and didn’t know what to do… When in reality, God was calling me to trust Him and take action on the ONE THING He told me to do… even when I didn’t have it all planned out.
Action creates clarity.
Even just a little amount of action will create clarity.
Action creates clarity.
Clarity creates massive action.
Massive action creates massive results
Massive results create massive momentum.
So, if you want massive momentum and massive results (which come from massive clarity), it’s important to start with a little bit of action.
Moral of the story here is to do the last thing God told you to do that you didn’t act on, and do it now.
Don’t hold back.
Do it now.
And if you don’t know what that last thing is, I want to challenge you on that.
Go to the Lord and see what He says!
#3 – Get in community & engage with other likeminded believers in business
“For where two or more are gathered in my name there, I am with them.”
-Matthew 18:20
God literally created us to be communal beings.
He doesn’t want us to go about life alone, and He sure doesn’t intend for you to do business alone. And the truth is that sometimes you just need a place to process what is going on in your mind. You need a support system that understands what it is you’re doing and going through in business. And sometimes, more often than not, those people aren’t the friends in your hometown.
The beautiful thing about getting into a community of other like-minded believers in business is that they are going to help you, they are going to support you, and they are going to pray with you.
They’re going to pray with you because they share similar values to you.
I found that when I started publicizing my faith more and I became what I call a faith-fueled business coach, I started to feel even more lonely.
I started feeling out of place in the world of online entrepreneurship.
Just like entrepreneurs need an entrepreneurial community, Christian entrepreneurs need a Christian entrepreneurial community.
The truth is, if you don’t actively search for an entrepreneurial community that is faith-based, you may find yourself falling into a snare by the enemy that will suck you into a community that could lead you down a path of new-age practices.
This is actually EXACTLY what happened to me. I have always said I was a Christian, but I didn’t know to actively be looking for a CHRISTIAN entrepreneurial community, and I found myself in communities that led me astray.
I fell into manifestation and other new-age tactics that opened spiritual doors that I had to repent of.
This is exactly why I believe that God put on my heart years ago to create a membership and cultivate a community of other Christian entrepreneurs who want to boldly and faithfully steward their role as Faith-Fueled CEO. And that’s exactly how the Called to CEO Collective was born.
Next Steps
If you loved this blog post and you know you are being called to CEO by God, and you want to make sure you’re getting the support you need, you’re being held accountable to live out the call He’s placed on your heart, AND you want to do it fueled by your faith and not by your flesh…
Then I want to invite you to just join us inside of the Called to CEO Collective.
The Called to CEO Collective is a community-driven membership for faith-based business owners, creators, dreamers, and leaders who know it’s time to take bold and obedient action on their God-given callings and ultimately steward their roles as Faith-Fueled CEOs.
I have absolutely no doubt it is what you’ve been praying for!
Why?! Because I’ve been praying for something like this for an awfully long time.
This membership has been totally designed by the Holy Spirit to help you cultivate a deeper relationship with the Lord. We will also go deeper on topics and faith, life, and business that you learn about because honestly, it’s time to say goodbye to overconsumption and say hello to implementation.
And it is also time to work from a place of overflow from the Holy Spirit versus overwhelm and stress. And it’s also time to finally overcome these spiritual battles against the enemy that has been keeping you stuck in your life.
Basically, it is a faith-based, community-driven membership where we go deeper on topics in faith, life, and business.
And the thing is, I have known for a really long time that business owners, creators, and leaders really need a place to process and share what they’re going through in their life and business in a safe space to receive feedback, support, and accountability…
All without the high ticket price point.
The Lord has just pressed this on my heart for a really long time and I know you’re probably wondering…
Is there any coaching involved?
Absolutely, there is coaching involved.
Not only will you be with other like-minded individuals, but you’ll have an experienced and Certified Life Coach and Faith-Fueled Business Mentor at your fingertips (that’s me, btw lol)… You will have a group of other talented individuals there to support you too!
And yes, we are going to go deeper on topics together, but I’m also here to help you grow your business or whatever God-given call you have right now. You can get coached by posting inside the community or on our live coaching calls happening twice a month.
That said, if you want to learn all the nitty gritty details or go ahead and join us at the current rate, you can do so by heading to

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