In this episode, I’m sharing with you how to take your followers from silent lurkers to paying clients. I know you have people watching you and not taking any sort of action regarding your offer, and I know it probably feels incredibly frustrating right now.
So, we are going to get to the bottom of that today. In order to do that, I’m sharing you with 5 key steps to turn your followers into clients. Let’s do this.

In this episode, I’m going to be sharing with you how to take your followers from silent lurkers to paying clients.
Because we all know there are those people that are just watching you and not taking any sort of action regarding your offer and I know that feels really frustrating right now. So, we are going to get to the bottom of that today.
To do this, I’m sharing with you the 5 key steps to turn your followers into clients.
5 key steps to turn your followers into clients
1. Focus on the mission. Focus on serving.
In other words, get your heart in the right place. Selling is a byproduct of serving. As women of God, we are called to serve His kingdom. It’s so much more than making a paycheck. Yes, this is a business and yes, money and selling are a part of building a business, but is that everything? Absolutely not.
In episode 3, I shared the story about how I personally just don’t think the money is worth it. Entrepreneurship, that is. Take from that what you will, but personally, what I do think is worth it is the mission. No matter what I make in this business, I know I’m supposed to do this. I know I’m supposed to deliver this podcast. I know I’m supposed to show up. I know because I know He’s called me to it. That doesn’t mean I don’t have doubts sometimes – I’m human. But I keep going because I know that this is what He’s calling me to right now. You have to know that, because I can promise you it won’t matter how much money you’re making. You won’t keep going. You’ll get tired and burnt out because you’re focused on what you can get versus what you can give. You’re focused on your goal versus God’s ultimate plan.
Now please do not take what I’m saying here and twist it to where you think you have to do everything for free or deeply discounted. That’s not what I’m saying. And perhaps I should do an episode about money as a Christian entrepreneur in the future, but for the sake of this episode, please please please note I’m not saying to discount your services or do everything for free. I’m just saying make sure your heart is pure, the intentions are good, and that you are happy to serve. You’re happy to create content even if it feels like no one wants to buy from you. You’re happy to show up and share what He’s calling you to share. That’s what I mean.
Showing up and serving is an act of leadership. Leadership isn’t just about reprimanding and bossing people around. It’s about trailblazing and leading with a servant’s heart. Don’t waver on your mission. Have faith, take action on that faith, and surrender the results to Him.
2. Be clear what you do, who you help, and the result they will get by working with you.
Does your Dream Queen (aka ideal client) have a clear understanding of the results you give? Are you speaking directly to her pain points and desires? Are you showing up as the expert? Are you sharing about your offer every day? Does she know the transformation you support her with? Does she even know what you do? You’ve got to be clear with your messaging and position yourself where you will be heard instead of her just scrolling by. If you need help in this area, I recommend you go back and listen to episode 3.
3. Focus on optimizing one irresistible offer at a time.
The thought of scaling my coaching business used to be exhausting because I thought I needed 15 1:1 clients or 50 group coaching clients (or a combo of both) to make six figures. This is a recipe for burnout and it does not have to be this way. This industry requires a high quality business model that is scalable, sustainable, and flexible. You do not have to have multiple offers or be tied down to weekly calls to deliver high quality results and create six figures. But if you want multiple offers, you can have them. Focus on mastering one offer before you add on to it. Bring in consistent income and get some incredible results first. Adding on too soon will not only confuse your audience, you will wind up confusing yourself (and not making any money in the process). And it will also be extremely overwhelming. Been there, done that.
For example, I have multiple offers now. I have a membership, an immersive group program, high level 1:1 coaching, and mini queen immersion sessions. But it did not start out this way.
My now group program, FCA, started out as high-level 1:1 coaching and that is all I focused on optimizing for the majority of 2021. Why? Because I knew I would turn it into a group coaching program later and I wanted to create brand awareness around that offer before I ever added on something else. Now that it’s turning into a group program, I decided to add on the membership. A few months back, I added mini queen immersion sessions for clients who maybe weren’t ready for a high-level 1:1 coaching offer, but still wanted 1:1 support.
4. Create content that creates problem awareness, solution awareness, and product awareness.
Do people tell you your content is “so inspiring” and they “love following you,” but they’ve never purchased? This may be because you’re not creating problem awareness. Why would they buy from you if they don’t even know they have a problem? If they do know they have a problem, do they even know that’s what you do? To solve this, create content that “widens the gap” between where they are now versus where they want to be. For example, this episode is meant to “widen the gap.” I’m telling you how to turn your followers into clients, and you’re probably recognizing the holes you need to fill in order to make this happen. And the amazing thing is, Faith-Fueled Coach Academy was created to help you fill in those gaps. It was created to help you put those missing pieces together and create a thriving business.
5. Develop a simple, effective, and duplicatable client acquisition system.
How exactly do you get clients? Do you know exactly how you’re going to generate new leads every single week? Do you know the steps of your Dream Queen Journey (aka the Client Journey)? Your Dream Queen Journey is the process that takes her from being an ice cold lead to a paying client. Once she comes in contact with you and your brand, what happens next? What is the system that’s going to take her from a new follower to a paying client? If you don’t know, I think it’s time to nail that down.
I believe in having both a passive and a proactive approach to lead generation. A passive approach includes creating content. You must have a solid content strategy in place for this to happen. A passive approach also includes referrals and clients re-signing.
Ideally, we would love for passive lead generation to be the leading lady in this story. However, when you’re just starting out or you’re making inconsistent money, while we’re working on developing a fantastic passive approach to lead generation, it’s important to supplement it with proactive lead generation. This involves learning how to find your ideal clients, having productive and authentic conversations with them, and learning how to transition those conversations into a sale in a way that feels good for both parties involved.
This is a step I feel like everyone wants to skip. In fact, I did for a while. But this right here was actually the action I implemented that took me from averaging $2-3k months to $10k+ months. While, yes, God has everything to do with this jump, the Holy Spirit infuses our actions and willpower with His supernatural resources. So, those actions were essentially ignited by Him.
I had someone ask me once how many of my clients came from me finding people first and having conversations with them, and I think you’ll be surprised at how many of them did. 80 percent. That literally equates to $8,000 that I could have left on the table if I didn’t master this specific skill. This is one of the many skills I help you master inside of FCA.
Next Steps
This is exactly why I created Faith-Fueled Coach Academy–to help women like you finally go full-time online in their coaching business with the Holy Spirit leading us both. If you are ready to start and/or scale your faith-fueled coaching business, head on over to to learn more about the program, get on the waitlist and/or secure your spot.
And of course, if you have any questions about the program, or just want to talk things over, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me over on Instagram @hannahbrindley or via email at
If you are curious on how I coach, I highly recommend checking my FREE Attract Your Queendom training. This training takes an immersive approach to attracting your ideal client to you, so you can then create content that attracts clients to you efficiently and effectively. I’ve had multiple people tell me this training alone has changed the game for them! If you go through it, please send me a DM over on Instagram (@hannahbrindley) and let me know your thoughts!

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