Meet the CEO

Hannah Brindley

Hey Queen! I’m Hannah.

A faith-fueled® mentor for Christian creatives, leaders & entrepreneurs, overprotective dog mom, and disciple of Jesus.

“For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.”

From that point on, the way I began to experience life and operated in business completely changed for the better.

It wasn’t an overnight thing though. It took time and intentionally to be sanctified, to heal spiritually, mentally and emotionally, and to undo the self-sabotaging and sinful patterns of my flesh and rewrite those patterns with the Holy Spirit…so I could truly operate as the faith-fueled CEO the Lord called me to be.

I had to give up what I thought I wanted, so I could make room to receive what I needed.

James 3:16

My mission? To help you trade success-driven striving for surrender and operate from Holy Spirit overflow, so you can faithfully steward your God-given calling.

By utilizing supernatural, practical and biblical principles and practices, I help you get unstuck, break through self-sabotaging tendencies, divinely discern your next steps, and take faithful, obedient action on the calling God has imprinted on your heart.

It’s time to ditch the flesh-fueled behaviors that have left you burnt out and bruised, and embrace the faith-fueled principles and practices that support you in experiencing true freedom.

Listen, I’ve been the coach and CEO who’s hit every personal income goal…who’s fully booked out her client availability…who’s coached other women on how to go full time and hit $5K, $10K, even $15K months…

And, I’m also the CEO who gave all those things up.

Yup, I’m serious…I gave up what the world calls success. God revealed to me through my own personal time with Him, mentorship, and community that true success equals crucifying the flesh and focusing on obedience to Him rather than the outcome I so desperately wanted. It was critical that I stop strictly coaching others on how to achieve financial outcomes…and to instead, mentor others on how to receive divine revelation and truly be led by the Holy Spirit in their lives and businesses.

While I experienced some incredibly high highs operating as a flesh-fueled CEO, I also experienced some deep lows that were full of destruction. That’s because I was driven by my selfish ambition…even though I had no idea I was and would have denied it to a fault. 

Are you ready to master your call to CEO? If so, you’re in the right place.

It’s part of my mission to help you give way to purely earthly interests and give in to God’s more perfect plan. 

Which is truly walking with Jesus and living out His call on my life in everything I do.

And, that includes mentoring you.

Fun Fact

My fav book of the Bible is John AND Ephesians.
(I can't choose lol.)

My Story

I didn’t realize it at the time, but the Lord made it clear that I had been prioritizing business success over my relationship with Him. I had been striving my entire life so I could be seen as worthy, valuable, and successful…like I had to “prove” myself to be seen, heard, loved, and understood.

It was at this point when God shared with me what it really looked like to live a faith-fueled life and grow a thriving, faith-fueled business. And, even though I never wanted to admit it, He made it extremely clear that I was living a flesh-fueled life and operating as a flesh-fueled CEO, and it was time to change that.

God used my business as a catalyst for sanctification…He used it to transform my heart.

& This is EXACTLY how the Lord led me to founding Called to CEO. 

If you’re ready to…

If there’s one thing you should know, it’s that my career path has been far from linear.

Most of my steps didn’t make sense at the time, but when looking at all of them from a bird’s eye view…there was a purpose in it all; the Lord was preparing me for the future, and I had no idea.

What came next was an unexpected, but incredible, twist. I experienced a pivotal spiritual breakthrough with the Lord that led to deep healing and sanctification in my life.

  • Be fueled by faith over flesh
  • Fight your battles spiritually instead of physically
  • Take bold & obedient action on your God-given call to CEO
  • Finally create that thriving, faith-fueled business…

It’s time to step into your call to CEO.


When I was a little girl, I was convinced I was destined for a medical career, so I pursued it until my early 20’s. I should have known better though…when I graduated from Mercer University with a Bachelor’s in Biology, I left feeling unfulfilled, but thought I had to persevere so I could have a successful career despite my reservations. A couple of years later, I made the decision to turn away from that career path and pursue the passion I had at the time for the beauty industry. 

Transitioning from medicine to makeup, I started a blog, a beauty YouTube channel, and eventually joined a beauty network marketing company where I discovered my love for sales and mentoring women. Once I scaled to the top 1% of a network marketing company, I was inspired to start my own business coaching helping other network marketers.

In July of 2019, I was in shock that my brand new business generated ~$15k from my first coaching program. Because of this, it didn’t take long to expand my education and my offerings. I became a Certified Life & Success Coach later that year and opened up my coaching offers to all business owners by early 2020. Believe it or not, 2020 was the first time I experienced a six-figure year as an entrepreneur…yup, in the middle of a pandemic (all glory to God).

Fun Fact

My birthday is on a U.S. holiday - 4th of July! I was afraid of fireworks as a kid, but now I love them.

 Career Timeline

Graduated with a Biology degree, started a beauty YouTube channel, and scaled to the top 1% of a network marketing company

Started my own coaching business, experienced my first six-figure year, and experienced a pivotal spiritual breakthrough with God

Fully integrated faith into my business and launched the Called to CEO Podcast

Launched the Called to CEO Collective and began an even deeper journey of healing

to be continued…

2015 - 2018


2019 - 2020

2021 - 2022

2021 - 2022


Are You A Christian
Creative, Leader
or Entrepreneur?

The Called to CEO Collective is a mentorship community that has been divinely designed to ignite and support transformative levels of spiritual formation, leadership development and vocational stewardship in women just like you.

It's time to ditch flesh-fueled striving, operate from Holy Spirit overflow, and faithfully steward your call to CEO.  Join the movement and experience personalized feedback and support from a seasoned Holy Spirit-led mentor and a community of Christ-minded leaders at your fingertips. 

Hey Queen!



Is God Blocking Your Business Growth? (This is JUICY)


How to Stand Out in Your Industry as a Christian Entrepreneur 


Roadmap to a 6-Figure Faith-Fueled Coaching Business


Best of the




Fun Fact

I will always say yes if someone invites me to sushi.

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My fave Amazon products I use everyday in my business, life, travel, and home items. 



Favorite Things

a few of my