If you have ever wondered if you are boldly embodying & stewarding your role as a Faith-Fueled CEO well, you’re in the right place because in this episode, we are diving into 5 signs that may indicate you need to shift your approach.
As Christian entrepreneurs, it’s important to regularly evaluate our actions and align ourselves with God’s plan for our lives and businesses.
That said, we’ll be diving into 5 signs that may indicate it’s time to make adjustments to your role as a Faith-Fueled CEO. Don’t let these signs discourage you, but use them as an opportunity to grow and develop as a leader.
If you resonate with any of these signs, it’s crucial to seek the Lord’s guidance and make changes to align yourself with His plan. Remember, you have the potential to be a successful and impactful Faith-Fueled CEO, and we’re here to help you navigate the journey.
Tune in now to learn more and discover how you can boldly embody and steward your role as a Faith-Fueled CEO in the best possible way!
What You Will Learn:
- 5 signs you are NOT embodying your role as a Faith-Fueled CEO
- The exact moment I knew I wasn’t stewarding my role as a Faith-Fueled CEO well
- What it actually means when you question if God has called you to entrepreneurship
- How to tell when your business, goals or success has become your idol
- The vicious cycle you might be finding yourself in that is rooted in self-sabotage & is holding you back from being a good steward in your CEO role

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of the five signs that I’m going to be sharing with you today. I feel led to tell you about the time when I knew I personally was not embodying or stewarding my role as a faith-fueled CEO.
The really cool thing about podcasting, and especially podcasting consistently every single week, is I can go back to the old episodes and identify what was happening at that point in my life.
It’s funny because I actually remembered an episode I did around this time last year when I knew that I personally was not stewarding my role as a faith-fueled CEO. And it is actually episode 13, which is titled Is God Telling You to Pause Or Push? Here’s How You Know.
In that episode, I shared with you how you can tell if God is telling you to pause or to push.
During the time, I was trying to decide if I needed to start my membership or not, I was experiencing a lot of heavy anxiety. I was experiencing a lot of pushing and a lot of striving. Even though I was really trying not to, I don’t think I had fully healed from the hustle mentality.
But during that season, I had just launched the podcast, I had just launched Faith-Fueled Coach Academy as a group coaching program, which was a great launch. And then I was trying to launch this membership and I was experiencing a ton of anxiety, and what you guys may not know is that I was experiencing a lot of health issues during that time as well.
It was just not the right time to be launching the membership, especially when I knew it was supposed to be about spiritual growth and spiritual breakthroughs and really helping women in business come together and grow with the Holy Spirit.
I experienced a lot of growth over this last year, and right before I started recording that podcast (Episode 13), was the moment I knew something was not right.
Going into 2023, I had no plan for my business. And the word I heard from God was that my word of the year was “heal.” You can hear more about this specifically by listening to Episode 53 of the podcast.
To be honest, a year ago I do not believe that I was embodying or stewarding my role as a faith-fueled CEO.
However, I am so grateful for the redemption that has happened, for the healing that has happened, and for this new shift! All of that to say, if you have not listened to the episodes Episode 13 & Episode 53, I highly encourage you to do so!
How do we know if we are stewarding our role as a faith-fueled CEO?
We find the answer to that by looking at the fruit our actions produce.
That said, let’s talk about the five different signs you may be experiencing, or the fruit you may be producing if you are not stewarding your role as a Faith-Fueled CEO well.
Sign #1 – You have a white-knuckle grip on your goals, success, and income
I speak to so many founders and business owners who really do have a white-knuckle grip on their success, and I totally relate because I have been there myself.
But here’s what I mean by that.
You may not be feeling like you ever get rest because even on the days you take off, your mind still buzzes thinking about work. Or when you’re spending time with your loved ones, your mind comes up with new ideas and you can’t seem to stop thinking about it, or you are so anxious about where the next paycheck is going to come from instead of fully relying on the Lord.
Matthew 6:26 says…
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Maybe you can’t seem to surrender, and you know you WANT to surrender, but you can’t seem to do it. Or you do it once, but it doesn’t stick (which by the way, surrender is a moment-by-moment thing. not a one-time thing).
A little not-so-secretive secret is that when you are obsessing about something, it has become an idol. So, when you are totally obsessed with your business or success or making money, that is an idol.
When you are obsessing about something, it has become an idol. That doesn’t mean you can’t think about your business, that’s not what I’m saying.
Maybe you are in a season where you cannot turn your mind off because you are just thinking about how to hit this next goal or how to do this thing, and you are obsessing over it to the point where it is causing you to not rest in Him.
He wants SO much more for you, friend!
Don’t white-knuckle grip those goals. Hold fast to Jesus instead.
Sign #2 – You are feeling burnt out and exhausted
When you have a white knuckle grip on your goals and success, it will inevitably cause burnout and exhaustion. And I truly believe the burnout phenomenon comes from white-knuckling your way through life and not fully surrendering to our God.
But here’s what I’m not saying…
I’m not saying you won’t ever feel tired because you will, but there is a difference between feeling tired and feeling totally burnt out.
You shouldn’t feel like you’re burning a candle at both ends at every waking moment. That is a sign of burnout, and that is a sign of white-knuckling your way through life and business.
And if you are feeling this, please know that this is just a sign that something needs to shift. It does not necessarily mean that you need to give up. It just means that you’ve been white-knuckling your way through life and you’re not actively surrendering. So, something needs to shift in that area.
Actually take the time to rest and surrender and dwell in our Lord instead of dwelling on your income or dwelling on your business success, or lack thereof.
What are you dwelling in? What are you abiding in?
Because if you are abiding in your business, your success, or anything else that is not our Lord, you are going to be burnt out and exhausted.
Sign #3 – You don’t have other believers in business to help you process through thoughts or ideas, receive support from, or pray with
This is really important and this is something that I feel like I ignored for a hot minute.
But it is really important and that is why the Holy Spirit has just put so heavily on my heart to cultivate the community inside the Called To CEO Collective.
I don’t know about you, but in my small town, not many people understand what it is that I do.
Literally just the other day, my little cousin asked me, “So, how do you make money again?”
Some people really just aren’t going to understand the world of entrepreneurship and that’s okay. And some people also don’t even really care to understand, and that’s okay too. We love them anyway.
The point I’m making here is that while you may have a Christian community and while you may even have an entrepreneurial community, I found it to be very difficult to find a Christian entrepreneurial community.
This is so important because God created us for community and to commune with others.
Every single Christian entrepreneur needs a safe space to help them process thoughts and ideas and a place to receive trusted support and guidance from any group of other like-minded individuals.
It’s hard to get the best of both worlds. You can easily have a great Christian community but they don’t understand what you do as a business owner. And you can have a great entrepreneurial community, but they don’t understand how you operate as a Christian business owner.
If you don’t have a community of Christian entrepreneurs behind you and beside you, it’s possible you could be led astray.
There’s a lot of deception in the online space, so it’s really important to have a Christian entrepreneur community.
That’s why the Called to CEO Collective was born – to bring all of us Christian entrepreneurs together!
The Called to CEO Collective is a community-driven membership for faith-based business owners, creators, dreamers, and leaders who know it’s time to take bold and obedient action on their God-given callings, and ultimately steward their roles as faith-fueled CEOs.
Want to learn more? Tap below!
(Call to Action Button)
Sign #4 – You are questioning if you even heard from God that this is what He has called you to do
If you aren’t fully embodying and stewarding your role as a faith-fueled CEO, it will become much easier to give in to the thought that you actually weren’t called to this.
The thing is, even the most successful, faith-fueled CEOs still experience negative thoughts, but they know how to catch them and they are aware that this is a tactic that the enemy tries to use and will continue to use…
Especially if he sees you are giving into these thoughts.
I actually saw a quote on Instagram one day (don’t remember who posted), but it said, “The devil cannot kill your vision. He will try to convince you to abort it yourself.”
He cannot take away the vision God gave you, but he can try to convince you to walk away and believe that this isn’t what you were called to do.
But how you receive that and what you do with that is entirely up to you.
My question to you would be, Are you going to give into these thoughts or are you going to catch them and remind yourself of the truth?
Sign #5 – You know what to do but you just aren’t doing it
Now, if this isn’t a sign of not boldly embodying your role as a faith-fueled CEO, then I don’t know what is, because this is self-sabotage at its finest.
It’s like you can’t seem to make it a priority in your life, or you don’t have time, or you’re procrastinating, or you’re afraid of what people will say, or you don’t feel like it.
Just cue the list of excuses because that’s what it is at the end of the day.
Because the list can just go on and on and on and on and on.
But that’s exactly what they are. They’re excuses.
Now, I’m not saying there won’t be legitimate reasons why you can’t do something. That’s not what I’m saying. There are legitimate reasons, and those are very valid.
However,k if you have continuously found yourself in this vicious cycle of knowing what to do, but you aren’t doing it, then you are self-sabotaging.
Yes, there are seasons when life gets really, really, really hard. But what happens when it’s not a season anymore and it’s actually just a habit and part of your lifestyle?
Stop the cycle.
Stop self-sabotaging.
And if you are getting to the point where this is a vicious cycle, there is a reason for that. In fact, there are five reasons, and I go really in-depth on each of those five reasons all the way back in episode 2 of this show, which is actually titled 5 Reasons You Might Be Self-Sabotaging and How To Biblically Stop It.
That said, that wraps up the 5 signs that you are not boldly embodying your role as a Faith-Fueled CEO.
And honestly, I really am just so tired of seeing entrepreneurs with God-given assignments not fully embodying their role as faith-fueled CEO.
And this is exactly why I’m on a mission to help more believers in business take bold and obedient action on their God-given calling and steward their role as a faith-fueled CEO, and steward it well.
Next Steps
If you loved this blog post and you know you are being called to CEO by God, and you want to make sure you’re getting the support you need, you’re being held accountable to live out the call He’s placed on your heart, AND you want to do it fueled by your faith and not by your flesh…
Then I want to invite you to just join us inside of the Called to CEO Collective.
The Called to CEO Collective is a community-driven membership for faith-based business owners, creators, dreamers, and leaders who know it’s time to take bold and obedient action on their God-given callings and ultimately steward their roles as Faith-Fueled CEOs.
I have absolutely no doubt it is what you’ve been praying for!
Why?! Because I’ve been praying for something like this for an awfully long time.
This membership has been totally designed by the Holy Spirit to help you cultivate a deeper relationship with the Lord. We will also go deeper on topics and faith, life, and business that you learn about because honestly, it’s time to say goodbye to overconsumption and say hello to implementation.
And it is also time to work from a place of overflow from the Holy Spirit versus overwhelm and stress. And it’s also time to finally overcome these spiritual battles against the enemy that has been keeping you stuck in your life.
Basically, it is a faith-based, community-driven membership where we go deeper on topics in faith, life, and business.
And the thing is, I have known for a really long time that business owners, creators, and leaders really need a place to process and share what they’re going through in their life and business in a safe space to receive feedback, support, and accountability…
All without the high ticket price point.
The Lord has just pressed this on my heart for a really long time and I know you’re probably wondering…
Is there any coaching involved?
Absolutely, there is coaching involved.
Not only will you be with other like-minded individuals, but you’ll have an experienced and Certified Life Coach and Faith-Fueled Business Mentor at your fingertips (that’s me, btw lol)… You will have a group of other talented individuals there to support you too!
And yes, we are going to go deeper on topics together, but I’m also here to help you grow your business or whatever God-given call you have right now. You can get coached by posting inside the community or on our live coaching calls happening twice a month.
That said, if you want to learn all the nitty gritty details or go ahead and join us at the current rate, you can do so by heading to www.hannahbrindley.com/membership

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