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A faith-fueled® mentor, overprotective dog mom, and devoted disciple of Jesus.

I 'm Hannah

No Motivation? Here’s How To Keep Going In Your Faith-Fueled Business

Faithful Action

May 10, 2022

You are in for a real treat, because this episode is all about how to keep going in your business when you have NO motivation.

I wish I would have stumbled upon an episode like this a few years back, because I was really struggling in the motivation department.

In this episode, I’m bringing you 5 tips that will help you keep going in your business when you have no motivation.

Let’s dive in.

I wish I would’ve had an episode like this 2-3 years ago, because I was really lacking some motivation. Well, here’s the thing. I had a super hard time getting myself motivated to do any type of work. And even though I was struggling financially, I had the hardest time actually getting myself to sit down and to work.

Now fast forward a couple of years later, I started noticing it wasn’t difficult for me to sit down and do work anymore. And to be quite honest with you, I couldn’t figure out why that was the case. What was the difference between a couple years ago versus now? Why was it so difficult for me to actually sit down and work versus now?

Now it’s really not that difficult to sit down for me to do the work, but don’t get me wrong. There are some days when I am a lot less motivated than others. I promise you that, but it is a night and day difference. So, that being said, I really sat down and I was like, “God, what was the difference?”

What really led me to procrastinating all the time and just not wanting to do the work to actually enjoy getting stuff done, really serve my clients well, and on fire for You… What was the difference?

So, that being said, I’ve got five tips for you that I really truly believe made all the difference.

And I’m so excited to share them with you. So, let’s go ahead and dive in to tip number one. 

Tip number one as a little bit of a disclaimer or a preface, but it is still a tip nonetheless. 

1. Discipline will trump motivation every single time. 

Because the truth is you’re not always going to be motivated.

That is when discipline comes in–when you’re not motivated. Because here’s the thing. If you actually needed more motivation, you could just pop in a podcast, or go to Pinterest, or go to Instagram. There’s literally motivation everywhere you look. If you needed more motivation, you would already be doing the thing.

So, I’m going to tell you right now, you probably don’t need more motivation. You probably need a little bit more discipline and if it’s not discipline, maybe you need something else, which I’m going to be talking about another tip soon. But what I’m getting at here is that you’re probably not lacking motivation.

You are probably missing something else. And one of those things might be discipline.

And I know that when you hear the word discipline, you’re probably cringing or rolling your eyes right now. I get it. I was the same away, but, but hear me out.

About a year ago, I was doing a Scripture study on Hebrews and a verse really stood out to me and I want to share it with you.

Hebrews 12:11 – “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”

So, for me personally, this first one is huge. Because for the longest time, I saw discipline as entrapment–as me feeling stuck because I wanted to feel free.

Because that’s the whole purpose of starting a business, right? You want to have that financial and time freedom. If I think about disciplining myself, I’m like, “Ugh, that means I’ve got to put myself in this box again.” I didn’t want that. And this verse changed the way I viewed discipline.

And here’s why. It says later on, however, discipline produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. This verse is literally saying discipline equals peace. I did not have peace when I wasn’t disciplined. 

I just didn’t, and this also makes me think of a sermon I heard recently that said living a limited life for Jesus actually equals freedom while the world tries to have freedom here. And the truth is, they actually don’t have freedom because they’re not living for Jesus. But when you live a limited life for Jesus, you get eternal freedom–you get true freedom. And so when you think about it in this way, discipline actually equals freedom.

And I know this may not be a new concept, but this was the reframe that I personally needed to have in order to get disciplined when I was not motivated. So, all this was a huge revelation for me all by itself.

But there are still a couple more things that I had to figure out, which means there are a few more tips for you as well.

2. Align your business with the mission and why you need to have discipline

And here’s the thing.

I know for me personally, for a really long time, I was pursuing my business solely for financial and time freedom. Don’t get me wrong–financial and time freedoms are great. But it’s worldly freedom. 

So, for me personally, I had to essentially shift the way I viewed my business. It wasn’t just a vehicle to take me to time and financial freedom. It was a vehicle to help me fulfill my purpose, which is to know Jesus and to make him known.

I had to shift my intention for my business.

And this was huge because really at the end of the day, I thought I was really motivated by money, financial freedom and success because that’s all I had chased in the past. But the thing is, I wasn’t really motivated by those things. What actually motivates me is Jesus. What actually motivates me is the mission that I am on for Him–not for me.

And that had to shift because that mindset right there helps me get up in the morning when I really don’t want to. That mindset right there helps me do things that I am dreading, just because I’m in my flesh and I just don’t want to be doing them. But I do it because I know it is going to be the right call for the mission.

You have to make it about the mission and the mission needs to align with Him because otherwise you’re going to be fueled by things of this world, like money or success or whatever it is you’re being fueled by. But that’s basically being fueled by the world, or flesh.

Or you can align yourself and your business with Him and be fueled by Him and by faith. When you do, you have to choose and you have to consciously make that decision every second of every day, because the world is going to try to suck you back in.

The world is like a vortex–it’s going to try. So you have to make the decision to be on fire for your mission. And that combined with discipline is the game changer. I’m still giving you three more tips, but that right there is really the missing piece that I needed. I really needed this and that’s what changed everything for me.

But like I said, I still have three more tips and these are a little bit more tactical and I know you like tactical tips, so let’s go ahead and get right into it. 

3. Give yourself permission to pause, and to rest. 

And y’all, this is huge. It is so important to rest and not just physically rest, but spiritually rest to truly rest in Jesus.

And you may be wondering, okay, I get the importance of resting. I know I need to do it, but I feel like I’ve been procrastinating a lot because I’ve had no motivation and haven’t rested.

You may feel like you’ve been resting a lot, and you really just need to get to work. If you’re feeling this way, then I want to encourage you to go to episode 13, which is all about if God is calling you to push or to pause.

I think that would really benefit you a lot in this season because I have been in your shoes and I know that it can feel like, “Oh my goodness. Everyone’s telling me to rest and I know the importance of rest, but I’m not working. I need to get stuff done.” If this sounds like you, please go listen to episode 13.

But also, I just want to say here that just because you’re not working doesn’t mean you’re resting.

There have been many, many times when I wasn’t working, but I wasn’t resting. And not just physical rest, but actual mental, emotional, spiritual rest, because I had always had this tendency that when I wasn’t working, I would essentially beat myself up for not working. And what is that doing? It’s not resting.

Even when I was resting, I couldn’t stop myself from feeling guilt or shame because I was resting and wasn’t working. I felt like I was constantly procrastinating. And what does that do? It wears you out. It burns you out. So please just remember that just because you’re not working doesn’t mean you’re resting.

So, please give yourself permission to pause and to rest and to spend time with Jesus. And if you’re wondering, if you need to push her to pause, please go listen to episode 13 after this one.

Now all of that to say, if you know, you need to be giving yourself permission to pause, please put that into your schedule.

Put time to rest into your calendar. Do not let this slide. We need rest. And I promise you, it is one of the most productive things you can be doing. And fun little fact, I was actually having a conversation with some gals I’m super close to, and the topic came up about discipline.

The conversation came up about how discipline frees you, and how limited life brings you freedom with Jesus. But with that, it is also important that we are disciplined with our rest. It is so important. We need it as humans, because guess what? We are not God.

And even God rested. So. please pause this episode right now and put, rest into your calendar. You will thank me later. I promise because not only will you have so much more motivation to actually be disciplined in your work. But you’re going to be a lot more creative.

You’re going to get things done much faster and more efficiently and effectively because you rested. It’s really a beautiful thing.

Now, moving on to the fourth tip, which is another tactical one. 

4. You’ve got to know what you’re focusing on when you actually start working 

A lot of the time, I think people don’t have motivation because they’re just doing random things all the time. It’s like they have this end goal or vision in mind to make a full-time income online or to make 5k months–or whatever that end goal is. And they’re just doing all the things to try and make it happen without actually having a plan or process to follow to actually make it happen.

Now, an example of this would actually be just posting content to post content so they can stay “consistent.” Now don’t get me wrong. Consistency is so important, but you don’t need to just post a post. If that worked on its own, everybody would be posting something every day because it made them money, but that’s not really how it works.

There’s more to it than that. There’s a strategy involved when it comes to successful sales. Yes. consistency is important, but it’s not just about posting every single day and going viral. 

If you really want to see the fruits of your labor, there has to be a purpose as to why you’re doing what you’re doing.

Stop doing busy work all the time and getting distracted by shiny objects and actually focus on what’s actually going to work. Get yourself a daily sales system, and something that you know is going to work. And yes, that might include making content, but stop just posting to post.

It’s probably burning you out and it’s also probably discouraging you because things aren’t happening. And I don’t want that for you. So that being said, please, when you have a work block, when you’re going into work, please know what you were going to be working on during that work before. It will make things so much better.

5. Find a community of other Christian female entrepreneurs and allow the Holy Spirit to work through them and pour into you and vice versa. 

Because we are meant to be a community. And I also know a lot of the time Christians who aren’t entrepreneurs don’t really get it.

Just like entrepreneurs who aren’t Christians also don’t really get it, and that’s okay. We’re to still be around them and be in community with them. We are to still love them and be friends with them and be family with them. But at the same time, find a community of women who really do get it, who do know the struggles that you’re facing, because they might be going through the same thing, they might be a step ahead of you, or they may be able to give you advice or help or pray for you when other people just won’t really understand.

And that’s okay. That’s part of being a Christian entrepreneur. So please, please, please find yourself a community of other Christian female entrepreneurs and allow the Holy Spirit to work through them and pour into you.

As an example, I know the community inside of Faith Fueled Coach Academy is like no other community out there.

The women inside this community are just incredible and root each other on. They pray with each other and we support each other and it is so beautiful to witness and to see, because I just know the Holy Spirit is working inside of this. If you’re not sure what Faith Fueled Coach Academy is, it is my signature program. It helps female entrepreneurs start and scale a Holy Spirit led coaching business. 

And I highly, highly highly recommend getting on the waitlist because we will be launching it again very, very soon. 

But if FCA isn’t up your alley, please join us inside of the Reclaimed to Reign, Facebook community. It’s free, and I’d love to see you inside!

Next Steps

Now that you know 5 tips on how to keep going when you have no motivation, it’s time to take intentional, aligned action towards building your business.

This is exactly why I created Faith-Fueled Coach Academy–to help women like you finally go full-time online in their coaching business with the Holy Spirit leading us both. If you are ready to start and/or scale your faith-fueled coaching business, head on over to www.hannahbrindley.com/fca to learn more about the program, and get on the waitlist for when we launch again.

And of course, if you have any questions about the program, or just want to talk things over, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me over on Instagram @hannahbrindley or via email at hannah@hannahbrindley.com.

If you are curious on how I coach, I highly recommend checking my FREE Attract Your Queendom training. This training takes an immersive approach to attracting your ideal client to you, so you can then create content that attracts clients to you efficiently and effectively. I’ve had multiple people tell me this training alone has changed the game for them! If you go through it, please send me a DM over on Instagram (@hannahbrindley) and let me know your thoughts!

Hey Queen!

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A faith-fueled® mentor, overprotective dog mom, and devoted disciple of Jesus.

I 'm Hannah