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A faith-fueled® mentor, overprotective dog mom, and devoted disciple of Jesus.

I 'm Hannah

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Recently, I’ve been seeing people make predictions on what they think is going to happen this year in terms of marketing, social media, and in the online business space in general, so I thought it would be fun to share MY predictions for 2023 to give YOU a heads up on what I truly believe […]

10 Business & Marketing Predictions for 2023 to Help You Grow Your Online Business


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Since it’s the New Year, I know you’re probably thinking about tax season, getting organized, and all the things regarding money, finances, tax statements, expenses, am I right? Soooo… I figured this would be a great time to take you behind the scenes a little bit and share what bank accounts I have set up […]

4 Business Bank Accounts to Set Up as an Entrepreneur


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 I know I cannot be the only one who loves to learn what other people are using to plan, stay organized, be productive, be more efficient, and just get more done.  But seriously, if you look at my YouTube and Pinterest search history, it’s basically me searching for those things. I loveeeee to learn about […]

5 Must-Have Tools I Use to Run My 6-Figure Christian Coaching Business


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 With Christmas and the New Year right around the corner, I thought it was fitting to share with you how I’ve prepared to take two full weeks off from my business. And yes, that is two full weeks totally disconnected from my business. I will preface this by saying that during my first handful of […]

How I Prepare to Take Time Off in My 6-Figure Online Business


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How is it almost Black Friday? I mean, what in the world?! It still blows my mind that I feel like every year goes by just a little bit faster. But that being said, since Black Friday is right around the corner, I know you are probably trying to determine what you want to offer […]

5 Profitable Black Friday Offers WITHOUT Deep Discounts or Creating New Material


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I’m sure that you have probably heard many, many times that outsourcing is incredibly important for business growth. That said though, I’m sure you’ve probably also wondered, “How do I know when it’s time to outsource or hire into my team?” I’m sure you’re also probably wondering, “What should I even outsource?” Then of course, […]

How to Know When It’s Time to Grow Your Team (& What to Outsource First)


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There is one skill that when mastered has the power to dramatically change your business. And when I say change your business, I mean, increase your revenue, increase your impact, and increase your influence. All. The. Things. I am not kidding when I say that this one skill single-handedly took my business from $2k months […]

The ONE Skill You Need to Master That Has The Power to Dramatically Increase Your Revenue


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Are you attracting the right leads to your business? Have you ever felt like you were just attracting the wrong leads, or even the wrong clients to you? Maybe they’re not committed to your program or your process. Or maybe every single one of your leads says that it’s not the right time, that they […]

Why You’re Not Attracting the Right Leads or Clients & How to Fix It


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Are you currently incorporating faith into your business? This episode is going to be answering some of the most frequently asked questions I get from my community like: “How can I tie faith into my business?” “How can I incorporate faith into my niche, or brand, and it not be confusing?” “How do I even […]

Should You Bring Faith Into Your Niche & Business? Here’s How You Know & 3 Ways To Do It Successfully


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Have you ever heard the phrase, “Charge your worth?” I hear this phrase constantly in the online space and if I’m being honest, it has just never sat well with me. When I first became an entrepreneur, I didn’t know why it rubbed me the wrong way because a bunch of successful people were saying […]

STOP Charging Your Worth (& What To Do Instead + How To Price Your Offers)


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A faith-fueled® mentor, overprotective dog mom, and devoted disciple of Jesus.

I 'm Hannah

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Encouragement Headed Your Way

Encouragement Headed Your Way

Join our weekly email series with countless other Christian creatives, leaders and entrepreneurs so you can learn how to ditch the flesh-fueled striving, operate from Holy Spirit overflow, and faithfully steward your God-given call to CEO.

Join our weekly email series with countless other Christian creatives, leaders and entrepreneurs so you can learn how to ditch the flesh-fueled striving, operate from Holy Spirit overflow, and faithfully steward your God-given call to CEO.