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A faith-fueled® mentor, overprotective dog mom, and devoted disciple of Jesus.

I 'm Hannah

3 Proven Offer Types to Make Your First (or Next) $1,000 Online & Which One Is Right for You


September 19, 2023

Are you a passionate individual with a God-given message burning inside you? Do you dream of turning that message into a source of income, making a living while changing lives? If so, tune in because this episode was created with you in mind.

That said, today we’re diving deep into the different types of offers that can transform your message into a thriving business. 

Whether you are a newbie to the online space world or a seasoned entrepreneur, we’ve got you covered with a multitude of different ideas to help you make your next (or first) $1,000 online.

So, if you’ve ever wondered how to share your message with the world and build a thriving income in the process, this episode is for you…


  • 3 proven ways to monetize your God-given message
  • How to determine which offer is right for you to monetize
  • What type of offer I recommend most people start with
  • The different types of offers that have been proven to sell over and over again

Let’s do this.

Offer #1: Digital Products

Digital products are best for individuals who want to create something once and then continue to sell it over and over. Usually, these are low-ticket items and you’ll need to sell a multitude of these each month to hit your income goals. Is that always the case? Not necessarily, but it’s true the majority of the time. 

Here are some different types of digital offers that I just want to share with you to get your gears turning:

  1. Templates: Canva or Notion templates
  2. E-books: A really good example of this is the Faith-Fueled Business Blueprint that I’m going to be launching next week. This blueprint is going to help you create, launch and sell your digital product or services online, and it’s going to be a step by step guide for you to do so.
  3. Mini Course: I could have turned the Faith-Fueled Business Blueprint into a mini course if I had made videos. Depending on your offer and just what you want to do, you can create a mini course.
  4. Audio Recordings: Some examples include biblical meditations, a private podcast, masterclasses, workshop recordings or even live masterclasses and live workshops.
  5. Photo Presets: Great for a photographer
  6. Paid Newsletter
  7. Membership: An example of this is my membership, the Called to CEO Collective, which is a community-driven membership for Christian entrepreneurs.
  8. Subscription: You receive trending audios every month, new content prompts, or email templates every month
  9. Printable Planners and Journals

As you can see, the options really are endless, and this is just the tip of the iceberg for digital products. 

I think digital products are great for everyone, but I do think they’re especially great for two different types of people.

One would be those who are really busy and just don’t have a lot of time to commit to working with people directly. That said, if you dp go the course route, I highly recommend at least having some sort of experience working with people 1:1 regarding the topic because if you don’t, you may find that people aren’t getting the best results because you didn’t test the process out with people individually.

The second type of person that digital products are really great for are people who want to scale their current business. Maybe you work with people 1:1 or in a group setting, but you want to add things to your product suite without adding in a lot more time or energy.

That said, digital products would be great for you if this is the case. 

If you’re someone who’s listening to this and you would love to get started with digital products, then you are definitely going to want to check out my newest free resource called 100 Offers. This is your free list of 100 different digital product and service ideas you can sell online to make your first or next $1,000 online.

Offer #2: Coaching

Coaching is how I personally stepped foot into the world of selling my own products online and it taught me so much. Coaching is going to be best for individuals who want to cultivate deep relationships with their clients. 

Usually, coaching is a high-ticket item and you only need a handful of clients each month to fulfill your income goal. That said though, there are some coaching packages that are lower ticket or not quite as high ticket.

Group coaching is a really great example of that. Sometimes it can be really high ticket, but not necessarily. It really depends on you and your offer. That said, I do have some different types of coaching packages to consider:

  1. 1:1 Coaching: This can contain a course curriculum or it may not – it is totally up to you.  You could quite literally start coaching someone 1:1 tomorrow because you don’t have to have a course curriculum in place. It might be something you work towards, but it’s definitely not a requirement, and I don’t necessarily recommend it if you’re just starting out because it takes time to develop, and most of the time, you need to work with people 1:1 to actually develop your course curriculum.
  2. Group Coaching Package: Group coaching usually contains a course curriculum, so knowing that, I personally wouldn’t recommend starting with group coaching until you’ve worked with a few people 1:1 first.
  3. Masterminds: The difference between group coaching and masterminds is that true masterminds usually do not contain a curriculum. Usually, it consists of people meeting together to mastermind with other people without a curriculum, whereas in a group coaching program, you’re all working towards the same goal, following the same curriculum.
  4. Memberships: I know I mentioned memberships in the digital product section, but I think this really depends on the type of membership you have. You can have a coaching focused membership just like you can have a content focused membership. I personally think that the Called to CEO Collective is a really great example of a combination of them all. There’s coaching, community, and content included.
  5. Audits: An example of an audit would be a social media or a business coach auditing your Instagram profile and walking you through how you can make your profile better for your idle client and more attractive to your idle client so you actually sell more of your product.

Please keep in mind that if you’re drawn to group coaching or creating a comprehensive online course, I highly recommend starting with 1:1 coaching or providing 1:1 services first. There are many reasons for this, but the most important one is that working with people 1:1 will be the fastest and most efficient way to determine what content needs to go into your group coaching program or course, in addition to learning how to effectively coach.

If there are any bottlenecks in your course curriculum or in your coaching method, it’s going to be a lot harder to determine what those bottlenecks are and how to fix them if you’re working with a group of people or distributing an online course. 

Working with people 1:1 is going to make it so much simpler and easier to navigate these issues that could potentially pop up.

Now, again, I do think there are outliers to this, but from my experience and just what I’ve seen, this does remain quite true, so it’s just something to consider. 

If you know without a shadow of a doubt that the Lord is leading you to create a course or group coaching program and totally bypass working with people 1:1, follow the Lord’s leading.

He is not going to lead you astray.

I am simply sharing things that I’ve learned along the way, but if the Lord is leading you otherwise, please follow that. 

If you want to dip your toes into the coaching world, and you want to get an idea of some coaching packages that you can sell, all categorized by niche, you’ve got to check out my newest free resource called 100 Offers. Remember, this is your FREE list of 100 different digital product and service ideas that you can sell online. 

Offer #3: Done-For-You (DFY) Services

Like coaching, DFY services are best for individuals who do want to cultivate deep relationships with their clients, but they also want to do the work for the client.

Usually, DFY services are high ticket items, and you will only need a handful of clients each month to fulfill your income goal. Although, similar to coaching, there are some DFY services or packages that are lower ticket items.

When you provide a DFY service for a client, there aren’t always different types of services you provide, but more so different tiers to the services you provide.

For example, let’s say you’re a brand photographer. You can have a DFY service that is $3k that includes everything: makeup, hair, studio time, five hours of shooting, etc. But you could also have a package that is $1k and is a mini shoot where they receive two hours of shooting. 

As you can see, they’re still receiving the same type of service, but just on a different level.

Additionally, please ignore my price points there lol. I was just throwing out some numbers as examples. I’m not saying this is what they should be priced at. I was just giving an example. 

With DFY services, I do highly recommend having different tiers and those tiers will depend on the industry that you’re in.

Here are some different DFY service industries to consider:

  1. Photography
  2. Social Media Management
  1. Brand Design
  2. Web Design
  3. Tech Setups (like Dubsado, ClickUp, Notion, Asana, or Thrivecart)
  4. Email Marketing
  5. Copywriting
  6. Virtual Assistants
  7. Bookkeeping

…And so much more. Really, the options are endless.

How the Faith-Fueled Business Blueprint Can Help You

If you’re ready to finally start monetizing your God-given message with digital products or services online and finally cultivate that thriving Holy Spirit-led business the Lord keeps pressing on your heart, then the Faith-Fueled Business Blueprint might be made just for you.

It will be your very own step-by-step guide to help you create, launch, and sell your digital products and services online while doing so in a way that glorifies the Lord. 

Yes, it will be perfect for you even if you don’t know what to sell. 

Yes, it will be at a low ticket price point even though some people might actually think I’m crazy for this, it is the exact framework I use to start my own business and scale it to six figures as well as the exact process that has led my own students to bust through their own doubts and going full time in their own online businesses.

If you want to be the first to know when it’s live and even access a sweet deal, all you have to do is join the waitlist. 

P.S.  I have a free gift for you! If you want a list of 100 digital product and service ideas grouped together by different industries to help get your brain juices flowing, or even if you’re just curious on different offers you could put together to create some income online then head here!

Next Steps

If you loved this blog post and you know you are being called to CEO by God, and you want to make sure you’re getting the support you need, you’re being held accountable to live out the call He’s placed on your heart, AND you want to do it fueled by your faith and not by your flesh…

Then I want to invite you to just join us inside of the Called to CEO Collective.

The Called to CEO Collective is a community-driven membership for Christian entrepreneurs who believe in the power of claiming their authority in the secret place AND in the marketplace, and are ready to stand out and $ell out online.

You and your business, brand or ministry will be SO supported when you immerse yourself in the live coaching, curriculum and community.

YES, I said live coaching.

And YES, this is at a low ticket price point.

That said, if you want to learn all the nitty gritty details or go ahead and join us at the current rate, you can do so by heading to www.hannahbrindley.com/membership

Hey Queen!

Encouragement Headed Your Way

Join countless other Faith-Fueled CEOs and learn the biblical, practical & supernatural strategies that will help you monetize your message every single week.

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A faith-fueled® mentor, overprotective dog mom, and devoted disciple of Jesus.

I 'm Hannah