Have you ever wondered if the business you’re in (or aspiring to start) is what God wants for you?
Have you ever been curious if your business is a God-given calling, or a fleshly desire?
Maybe you’re wondering if God wants you to stick with your business, or throw in the towel and move on to something else?
Or maybe you’re wondering if you should make a change, shift or pivot in your business?
I used to constantly ask God if pursuing my business was my calling. I just wanted to find my purpose and stick with it! Can you relate?
If so, you’ll definitely want to tune into this episode, because I’m breaking down the 4 things you need to identify if you want to gain confirmation on whether or not the Lord is calling you to start and/or stay in your business.
Let’s dive in.

A Little of My Story
I have made so many pivots in my life and in my career, and it’s really amazing how God has divinely orchestrated everything because I would not be here if I didn’t take the steps that I took.
If you don’t know my story, I highly recommend going back to Episode One where I talk about how God interwove things together, but here I am going to just give an overview right now.
I have a Bachelor’s in biology and a minor in chemistry and Christianity. I thought I was going to be a doctor, but ended up actually becoming a freelance makeup artist and joining a network marketing company. I then decided I wanted to be a network marketing coach, and later a coach for coaches, and ended up incorporating faith into my coaching.
It’s been a bit of a whirlwind, but yet so cool how God orchestrated the whole thing. So if you are in a season of pivoting or lack of clarity, I highly recommend going back to that episode. I think it’ll give you a lot of hope.
I share all this to say all of those pivots were very necessary for me in order to get here.
But at the same time, I was constantly questioning what I was doing. I was constantly praying and asking God is this business for me? Something doesn’t feel right. Am I supposed to be doing this? Am I supposed to be doing something else? I was constantly asking this question, and I was especially asking this question when I was pivoting from network marketing to coaching, and from coaching to incorporating faith into my coaching.
If you are wondering if your business is what God is calling you to, I believe there are four things that you need to identify in order to gain confirmation that this business is for you or that it isn’t.
So, let’s move right into number one.
Identify #1: Where This Question is Coming From
Are you asking this question because you were thinking about pivoting into another business, or is it because you want to simply make sure you’re on the right path?
Do you feel this aching feeling that something is off and you’re just not sure what it is or is it because you’ve been working your tail off on this specific business, but you haven’t seen the fruits of your labor yet?
There are so many reasons why you could be asking this question, but I truly believe you need to identify where this is coming from. So if that means you need to sit down and take the time to journal this out, please do so.
Take the time to pray, journal and talk to God and identify why you are asking this question. There could be multiple reasons why you’re asking this question and why you want to know the answer to this, but it is so important to get to the root of that so you can truly understand.
Once you take the time to do this and you realize, “Okay, I’m asking this question because I’m thinking about pivoting my business,” I highly recommend checking out Episode 12 titled How to Know When It Is Time to Pivot in Your Business and How to Pivot Successfully.
But if you are someone who has been working their tail off, but they’re not necessarily seeing any fruits of their labor yet, I highly recommend you listen to Episode 13 titled, Is God Telling You To Pause or To Push?
Identify #2: What is Your Intention With Your Business?
A really good question to ask here is, is your intention flesh-fueled or faith-fueled?
If it’s flesh fueled, it will be a lot of wanting to do business because you want X. Now, don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with having wants or desires in this physical world, but it becomes a problem when we want it more than Jesus.
It’s very possible for your business to provide these fleshly and worldly wants, but is that the primary reason you’re doing the business? This was really pivotal for me. I started my business because I wanted time and financial freedom, but that doesn’t mean that God did not want me to do this business.
He wanted me to learn from this business. My business was a catalyst for my growth with him. Did time and financial freedom still come? Yes, they did, but I had to learn that couldn’t be my intention.
My intention had to always be Jesus.
I am using this business to grow the Kingdom, to nurture the Kingdom because our purpose as Christians is to love Jesus, to know Jesus, and to make Him known. It’s to serve Jesus. That is our entire purpose for our existence.
Our calling, which I truly believe is how we live out our purpose, is the vehicle that helps us know Jesus, serve Jesus, and make Him known. So, my business became my calling because it not only helped me know Jesus better, but also helped me serve Jesus better, and it’s helping me make Him known better.
You have to identify your current intention, and if you realize that your current intention is solely based on these fleshly wants and desires, I encourage you to dive into prayer and scripture and see if the Lord is going to help you shift that.
But keep in mind, you have got to be obedient and get in the word, prayer and praise Him. You’ve got to be obedient and faithful to Him, and I promise you He will shift that for you.
He shifted mine and I firmly believe He will shift yours too.
Identify #3: What is the Fear Keeping You Stuck in the Position You’re In?
I would bet you’re asking this question because you feel stuck in some way, right?
So, what is stopping you? Why are you stuck? What is the hesitation? Is it fear of failure? Is it fear of success? Is it because you are comfortable? These things are all forms of self-sabotage, and if you have not listened to Episode Two of this show, I break down five reasons you might be self-sabotaging and how to biblically stop it.
I have had so many people tell me they have listened to that episode multiple times because it is so rich and was truly Holy Spirit inspired.
If you are journaling this out and are having a hard time identifying the fear, I have some additional questions for you regarding this.
Would you feel at peace if you don’t do the business, or would you always have this aching feeling telling you that you need to move forward? If you would be at peace letting your business go, that may be God saying this is not for you. But if you feel like you would always wonder, this may be God saying yes.
All that needs to shift is your intention.
Reframing my intention made things so much more clear to me and gave me strength because I was relying fully on Jesus to take me through.
So, make sure you’re not chasing the business specifically for the business, money or success, but you’re doing it for Jesus. When your intention is pure, your heart is pure and your intention is to serve Jesus, I promise you, He is going to provide every single thing that you need.
All that you have to do is obey him.
Identify #4: If the Business is Leading You Into Sin
I know no one likes to talk about sin, but let’s just be real – We are all sinners.
That is exactly why God sent His only Son to die for us and to redeem us of our sins. But that being said, as Christians, we should be constantly trying to flee from sin, not getting closer to it.
If your business is actually leading you into sin, that may also be a reason why you’re staying stuck.
What is your intention with your business? Are you idolizing your business, success, money, recognition, or validation? Are you idolizing something over Jesus?
Is your business leading you into sin via the New Age? The New Age is very tricky. I went down this slippery slope myself, and I didn’t even realize it because the enemy is always going to appear like light.
I truly believed when I was doing some New Age things, it was from God but that’s because the enemy convinced me that it was. A way that you can identify it is by the intention: Are you serving yourself or are you serving Jesus?
And a lot of New Age tactics are very much self-serving, so we have to be very mindful and be in the Word so that we are able to discern what is from Him and what is not from Him.
Another New Age tactic is knowing yourself better versus knowing God better, and also to heal ourselves versus letting Jesus heal us. We have to be careful not to go down a route where we are almost looking at ourselves like a God in a way.
Take everything to the Lord and put everything next to scripture. That right there is the key to everything.
Put on your armor of God. Constantly get into the Word so you can have discernment.
In Episode 13 I talk about when you are working from a place of overflow, you have received from the Holy Spirit, surrendered to Jesus, and are working from this place of Jesus giving you strength in your weakness because His strength is made perfect in our weakness.
When you work from a place of overwhelm, you are typically trying to take control of situations. You are trying to be in control of everything, and that’s you basically saying, “Oh, hey God, I’ve got this. You don’t have this. I’ve got this. Let me take the reins back. Let me take the wheel back.”
But where does that get us? For me, it gets me to burnout, exhaustion and also a place of stuckness and feeling unfulfilled, and I would bet if you were feeling like that, you are probably having this misalignment with your intention, business, but also being stuck in this state of overwhelm versus overflow.
Your fuel is either faith or flesh. How are you fueling your vehicle? What are you fueling your business with? Is it faith or is it flesh? That’s what you need to identify, because a lot of the time it’s not necessarily the business that’s the problem, it’s the fuel.
Even if you have made the “wrong choice,” God will reroute you. I have gone through all of these sins that I mentioned, and God has rerouted me every single time. But it’s so important that once you identify what is actually happening, you obey Him. You flee from that sin.
I truly believe that your business can be your calling, but if you are feeling stuck or paralyzed this could be happening just from self-sabotaging behaviors, but it could also be because you are staying stuck in sin and the enemy is using that against you to keep you stuck, paralyzed and afraid.
I’ve personally found that if people are asking this question of how do I know if my business is what God wants me to do, it’s usually because they’re stuck in a place of lack of clarity or that they’re afraid, or that they’re just paralyzed and they don’t know what to do.
If You Liked This, I Might be Creating Something Just for You.
I am creating your very own step-by-step guide to help you create, launch, and sell your digital products and services online while doing so in a way that glorifies the Lord.
And yes, this will be perfect for you even if you don’t know what to sell, and yes, it will also be at a low ticket price point, even though some people might actually think I’m crazy, but I just felt led to do that.
It is also the exact framework I used to start my own business and scale it to six figures as well as the exact process that led my students to bust through their own doubts and limiting beliefs and go full-time in their own businesses.
If you want to be the very first to know when it’s live and even access a really sweet deal and maybe a discount, all you have to do is join the waitlist.
Next Steps
If you loved this blog post and you know you are being called to CEO by God, and you want to make sure you’re getting the support you need, you’re being held accountable to live out the call He’s placed on your heart, AND you want to do it fueled by your faith and not by your flesh…
Then I want to invite you to just join us inside of the Called to CEO Collective.
The Called to CEO Collective is a community-driven membership for Christian entrepreneurs who believe in the power of claiming their authority in the secret place AND in the marketplace, and are ready to stand out and $ell out online.
You and your business, brand or ministry will be SO supported when you immerse yourself in the live coaching, curriculum and community.
YES, I said live coaching.
And YES, this is at a low ticket price point.
That said, if you want to learn all the nitty gritty details or go ahead and join us at the current rate, you can do so by heading to www.hannahbrindley.com/membership

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