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A faith-fueled® mentor, overprotective dog mom, and devoted disciple of Jesus.

I 'm Hannah

Summer Time Sales! 3 Ways to Experience Business Growth This Season WITHOUT the Hustle


June 28, 2023

Are you ready to make this summer your most successful season yet? Well, get ready because I’m about to drop some sizzling hot tips for business growth while sipping virgin piña coladas on the beach.

Ok, I’m done being corny now LOL.

But for REAL…

In this episode, we are going to uncover three powerful ways to experience explosive business growth while still having a blast under the sun. Meaning that you’re not going to have to put in a bunch more hours, but your business is still going to reap the benefits.

So, don’t you worry, we’ve got you covered whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting your business journey. This episode is packed with practical advice and actionable steps that you can implement right away. 

From strategic sales techniques to irresistible promotions, we’ve got you covered.

In this episode, you’ll discover how to attract more customers, boost your revenue, and make this summer a game-changer for your business, because who’s got time for slow summer sales?

 Not me, and definitely not you.

 What You Will Learn:

  • 3 simple ways to experience business growth during the slow summer season
  • How you can create a seasonal summer promo or giveaway that increases reach & revenue
  • Exactly what kind of content to create during the summer (it’s different than the rest of the year!)
  • A stealthy way to increase the lifetime value of the customer without creating an entirely new offer from scratch

Grab your fav pair of sunnies, and get ready to soak up the knowledge into today’s episode.

Welcome to Slow Season

If you’ve been in business for a little while, then you are probably familiar with how June and July are notorious for being the slow months, and essentially how summer is the “slow season.”

This is actually a fact. These months are known for being slow and that’s usually because consumers and business owners are on vacation and their schedules change.

Everything is just different in the summer. Kids come home and then schedules change again for both business owners and consumers. Routines change and people’s priorities tend to change.

But just because all this is happening in the summer months does not mean that your business growth has to plummet. It does not mean that your sales have to be non-existent. 

It just means we need to have a different frame of mind for the summer months.

I want to make a little disclaimer here that if you are okay with your business slowing down in the summer seasons and you don’t really want to do anything about it – that is okay. It is okay to slow down and not strategize if that is where you’re feeling led.

But I do want to let you know that I say that the three tips I am sharing with you are not going to be a ton more work for you. These are just simple strategies and tactics that you can implement during this season to really propel your business forward if you choose to.

Tip #1: Summer Giveaway or Promotion

Let’s first touch on promotions and what that could look like. 

A sale is a type of promotion where you are going to discount something. In the month of June, I am discounting Faith-Fueled Coach Academy by 30% because I’m turning 30 (use code 30OFF by June 30 at 11:59 pm EST) and I’m discounting the membership so you can get the first month half off (use code 50OFF by June 30 at 11:59 pm EST).

I actually never do sales for promotions. I typically stick with bonuses (another type of promotion), and I actually talk about that in this bonus episode. I talk about the giveaway and how I have never discounted Faith-Fueled Coach Academy. 

Just because you do a promotion does not mean that you have to do a sale.

You can do different kinds of promotions, and the ones I typically will stick with are bonuses. This could look like adding on a 1:1 coaching call when someone purchases your course or it could look like adding on two weeks of 1:1 Voxer support when someone joins your membership. 

You’re not discounting what you are offering; you’re just adding more value to it. 

Those are some examples of sales and bonuses, but there’s also another kind of bonus that I’m also doing right now, and that’s offering a referral bonus.

For the month of June, I’m doing an exclusive giveaway, and a referral bonus for my Collective members. If they share about the Collective on social media or with friends, they actually can get entered into a 1:1 coaching call with me.

Another way they can enter is to fill out a feedback form that I put together on Google Forms or successfully refer someone to the Collective

You can offer a referral bonus for your 1:1 clients, membership, people in your course, or any of your students. These are just some examples to get your wheels turning. 

I know we already talked a little bit about giveaways, but let’s talk about public giveaways.

With public giveaways, the idea here is that you really want to think about what your intention is with this giveaway. 

Are you wanting to grow your email list? Are you wanting to get more reviews on your podcast? Are you wanting more followers on Instagram? Are you wanting to increase your reach? Are you wanting more people to join your membership? 

With my current giveaway, I had three different things in mind that were really important to me: 

  1. Get more reviews on the podcast. 
  2. Get more people to listen to the podcast. 
  3. Grow my email list.

Make sure you think about the intention you have behind the giveaway before you decide what you want them to do, and then you can actually give away something of exceptional value. 

That I’m giving away a full year to the Call to CEO Collective Membership, and also a full scholarship to Faith-Fueled Coach Academy. These are both high-value giveaway items that I just know people are going to love (giveaway closes June 30 at 11:59 pm EST).

Another example is a 1:1 coaching call that is exclusively for my Collective members.

Think about what your ideal client is going to want and what they would actually enter in a giveaway for. I was just telling a client the other day that I am super particular about the giveaways that I enter. I want it to be something that I really want, otherwise I won’t take the time to do anything.

So make sure that it is good value. 

Tip #2: Create Content Related to the Season You’re In

This blog post is an example of that. 

The season that we’re in right now is summer, and if you think about the title, the title is Summertime Sales: 3 Ways To Experience Business Growth This Season WITHOUT the Hustle.

During this season, people’s schedules have changed. For many, they’re probably more busy than they were, going to do more, getting out more and life just starts shifting. 

They have to really want to listen or watch whatever content that you’re putting out, and it needs to be applicable to them right now.

Adding in whatever season we’re in and making it applicable to that season is going to get them to stop scrolling, click to listen, or open their email. 

I know you have this episode as an example, but here’s another example. 

If you are in the fitness space, you can create content that infuses movement during outdoor activities or even how to stay consistent in your workout while on summer vacation. 

Remember: Think about what your ideal client is going through.

During this season, I knew that my ideal client is probably experiencing slower summer sales or even wanting to move slower in their business in the summer season, but not necessarily losing out on sales. 

Tip #3: Develop an Upsell or Ongoing Support Option

You do not have to go and create an entirely new product. 

You do not have to create any new resources for this (but you totally can if you want to).

Something that I do that actually has been a successful upsell in this season is adding on 1:1 Voxer support to a mastermind, a membership, a group program, or a course. 

You can also utilize 1:1 Voxer support as well as a down-sell for your 1:1 clients. For example, let’s say you have a three month 1:1 client with calls and 1:1 Voxer support, but they might not want to re-sign with a full package. You can offer them just 1:1 Voxer support as a down-sell.

Another way that you can do this is by adding a 1:1 call option to a course, membership, or group program. I have been doing this for years, and this is exactly how I increase the lifetime value of the customer–Meaning, my client retention is extremely high because I have different ways for people to work with me that don’t necessarily involve me creating more and more content.

Another option that I used to do before I had the membership is when I had my group program, I had three different levels that people could resign at. Once they finished the group program, they could either resign with 1:1 coaching, or they could choose a step down from that, which was 1:1 Voxer coaching or they could choose a step below that, which would just be group support. 

That way, I had three different options for people to continue working with me. But now, that group level support option has actually turned into the Collective, my membership. 

There are a multitude of different ways that my clients can stay my clients without me having to create multiple different offers all the time.

Now, that doesn’t mean that you can’t create other offers. You totally can, and should, if you feel led!

I’m just saying for this season, you probably don’t want to create something entirely new, or maybe you do and that’s totally fine, but if you don’t, you’ve got these options as well. 

Next Steps

If you loved this blog post and you know you are being called to CEO by God, and you want to make sure you’re getting the support you need, you’re being held accountable to live out the call He’s placed on your heart, AND you want to do it fueled by your faith and not by your flesh…

Then I want to invite you to just join us inside of the Called to CEO Collective.

The Called to CEO Collective is a community-driven membership for faith-based business owners, creators, dreamers, and leaders who know it’s time to take bold and obedient action on their God-given callings and ultimately steward their roles as Faith-Fueled CEOs.

I have absolutely no doubt it is what you’ve been praying for!

Why?! Because I’ve been praying for something like this for an awfully long time. 

This membership has been totally designed by the Holy Spirit to help you cultivate a deeper relationship with the Lord. We will also go deeper on topics and faith, life, and business that you learn about because honestly, it’s time to say goodbye to overconsumption and say hello to implementation.

And it is also time to work from a place of overflow from the Holy Spirit versus overwhelm and stress. And it’s also time to finally overcome these spiritual battles against the enemy that has been keeping you stuck in your life. 

Basically, it is a faith-based, community-driven membership where we go deeper on topics in faith, life, and business.

And the thing is, I have known for a really long time that business owners, creators, and leaders really need a place to process and share what they’re going through in their life and business in a safe space to receive feedback, support, and accountability… 

All without the high ticket price point.

The Lord has just pressed this on my heart for a really long time and I know you’re probably wondering…

Is there any coaching involved? 

Absolutely, there is coaching involved. 

Not only will you be with other like-minded individuals, but you’ll have an experienced and Certified Life Coach and Faith-Fueled Business Mentor at your fingertips (that’s me, btw lol)… You will have a group of other talented individuals there to support you too!

And yes, we are going to go deeper on topics together, but I’m also here to help you grow your business or whatever God-given call you have right now. You can get coached by posting inside the community or on our live coaching calls happening twice a month. 

That said, if you want to learn all the nitty gritty details or go ahead and join us at the current rate, you can do so by heading to www.hannahbrindley.com/membership

Hey Queen!

Encouragement Headed Your Way

Join countless other Faith-Fueled CEOs and learn the biblical, practical & supernatural strategies that will help you monetize your message every single week.

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A faith-fueled® mentor, overprotective dog mom, and devoted disciple of Jesus.

I 'm Hannah