The topic of provision has come up a lot for both myself and my students. So, I knew this was a topic I needed to share with you just as soon as I could. And the truth is, if you are in business, if you are an aspiring entrepreneur, or if you are a dreamer in any capacity, this concept of the provision will continue to come up again and again.
And even if you’re not a business owner or a creator, this concept will continue to pop up because we live in a world where money is what we need in order to put a roof over our heads and put food on the table. And that said, while sure, I’ve created a 6-figure income by the goodness of the Lord, that doesn’t mean I haven’t had my fair share of tough experiences.
There were many times when I felt like the well was running dry, if you know what I mean. And I say this because I want you to understand just how incredible our God is. He truly does provide manna day by day and when you seek Him first, above all things, you can absolutely trust God’s provision in your life.
In this episode, I’m going to be sharing with you how the Lord has continued to show His provision over my life and business when I am obeying His promptings, even though they don’t make logical sense at the time.

I am also going to be sharing with you three passages from the Bible you can refer back to again and again to remember just how much you can trust God’s provision in your life, and of course, you get access to a free resource to help you dive deeper into learning about His provision so that you can implement this in your heart from day to day.
Like I mentioned, there have really just been so many times where I have just had to trust in the Lord for provision. This is especially true in this season I’m currently in, and I say this because if you have listened to episode 53 of the show, Which is titled, I Have No Plan for My Faith-based Business in 2023 Here’s What I’m Doing Instead, then you already know that the Lord gave me a couple of steps and actions for 2023, but no plan. And also just to focus on my healing this year. I want to give you guys an update in an episode on how that’s going soon, but I really want you to understand that because I am doing my absolute best to walk in obedience.
I knew I was going to have to lie down on certain things. Instead of relaunching my signature program, Faith-Fueled Coach Academy as a group coaching program, we launched it as a course, and now it is there for you on evergreen to purchase when you choose. And what prompted this is that I woke up one morning and just knew that’s what I was supposed to do… I wasn’t second-guessing it.
I honestly thought it would be another 6 months before that became a reality, but I just felt His prompting just to do it now. I didn’t have a big launch for it, I simply made a post about it on Instagram, and I’ve talked about it here on the show a couple of times, but I haven’t made a big launch or a big ordeal out of it because I didn’t feel that prompting to… I just knew that I was supposed to turn it into a course.
I haven’t really been proactively selling it because He told me not to. Not because it isn’t an amazing course, but because it absolutely is and it gets people results. I’ve worked on it for years. However, I know he’s preparing me for a new era of my business and brand.
He was very clear that I wasn’t supposed to be actively selling the FCA course. And He has also been very clear that I don’t need to be actively selling 1:1 coaching like I used to. And what I mean by that is that even though I’m not full-force actively selling it, I’m still going to talk about it here and there.
And if someone comes to me and I feel divinely aligned with them, I’m going to work with them 1:1. Or if someone signs up for the course, that would be awesome. But I’m not being super strategic about selling the course right now or selling 1:1 right now, because he’s called me to something else this season.
However, He did call me to set it up so I can steward that so I can help someone else with that, even though I’m going to be focusing on something that I’m going to be sharing soon.
By the way, if you do want to check out my signature program, Faith-Fueled Coach Academy, you can do so by going to It is all the ins and outs of starting and scaling a Holy Spirit-led coaching business, so definitely check that out when you can if you are feeling that Holy Spirit prompting.
So you see, obviously, I still believe in it because it is an amazing product.
God has just continued to provide me with new clients, with clients continuing to work with me and so many other things. I know that’s because I have just chosen to listen and I’ve chosen to surrender and obey. I really hope that you understand that I am not saying to not be disciplined or steward your business… That’s not what I’m saying at all.
It’s quite the opposite. This is just what stewarding my business looks like this season. But in other seasons, it looks like fully focusing on the growth of FCA or on the growth of my 1:1 client roster. But now it looks like something else. And with that transition, has come a lot of change and some nervousness, but also a lot of excitement.
And so that said, I have received several different confirmations that I am to focus on healing, writing, podcasting, and cultivating a membership this year, which you can actually learn a lot more about if you head to
We are going to be launching this really soon because again, this is a prompting from the Holy Spirit and we are making it happen.
And so now that you understand that just because I am a “6-figure business owner,” does not mean that I don’t have to trust in God’s provision because I absolutely do.
I really just want to share three scriptures with you that I’ve just come across recently that really showcase God’s provision over our lives. And before I do, I want to let you know that I have a free gift for you. I am obviously sharing three scriptures with you today, but I actually put together a list of 30 scriptures for you that will showcase God’s provision in your life.
And in this list, I’ve walked you through some daily steps on how you can go deeper with each scripture every day for 30 days. That will only take about 5 to 15 minutes of your time.
If you are struggling to trust God’s provision over your life, or you are trying to take control of the situation yourself, then I truly believe your heart will be changed when you just get into God’s Word and dive into each of the passages. Do this so you can really learn what He says about a provision in your mind, and then take it down to your heart and then actively live it out.
It’s one thing to know something in your head and it’s completely different to know something in your heart, and I truly believe that the Lord will change your heart, especially when you are seeking what he says. I really hope you join me over these next 30 days. I’m actually going to be doing this myself as well.
I will probably post updates on how this is going over on Instagram if you want to check that out. My handle is @hannahbrindley and I really hope to see you over there. But if you want to gain access to the 30 Days of Provision Scripture Download, then go ahead and head to
Let’s go ahead and dive into these three scriptures.
Scripture #1 – Deuteronomy 29:5-9
5 “For forty years God has led you through the wilderness, yet your clothes haven’t become old, and your shoes haven’t worn out! 6 The reason he hasn’t let you settle down to grow grain for bread or grapes for wine and strong drink is so that you would realize that it is the Lord your God who has been caring for you.
7 “When we came here, King Sihon of Heshbon and King Og of Bashan came out against us in battle, but we destroyed them, 8 and took their land and gave it to the tribes of Reuben and Gad and to the half-tribe of Manasseh as their inheritance. 9 Therefore, obey the terms of this covenant so that you will prosper in everything you do.”
Just to give you a little context of the passage…
The Israelites were led into the wilderness for 40 years! And during these 40 years, they didn’t have access to modern day facilities like ours… Yet, their sandals and clothes didn’t wear out. Even though they had no bread to eat, they were still provided for 40 years!
I mean, even if they did have access to modern-day facilities, their clothes and shoes still wouldn’t have lasted that long. I mean, that is God.
I mean. Wow.
And then on top of that, Israel conquered their enemies and took their land.
God blessed his people abundantly. Even though they were in the wilderness for 40 years, He took care of them and then blessed them in ways I’m sure they never thought they would be able to experience just because of their current reality. And God is the same God today as He was yesterday and as He was then.
I mean, can I get an amen?
So my friend, if you are in the wilderness, look to God because I promise you He has got you.
That said, I want to move on to another passage and I want to take us to the Gospel of John.
Scripture #2 – John 21:4-6
4 Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus.
5 He called out to them, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?”
“No,” they answered.
6 He said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.
They were blessed abundantly and beyond expectation. It didn’t seem like they were going to be provided for, and I’m sure they did not think casting the net on the other side of the boat would make a difference, but they did it… And they were provided for.
When I was prepping for this episode, I was actually looking at the Enduring Word Commentary, and they mentioned that this particular passage shows the difference between doing work without Divine guidance versus with Divine guidance.
Even though they didn’t even know it was Jesus as indicated by verse four, they were still following Jesus. And I just find that so fascinating that He is still providing for them, even though they did not know they were directly taking advice from Jesus. They were still able to find the guidance of God in small and unexpected ways, through this man on the shore.
And that probably didn’t make any sense to them at the time.
What God is asking us to do doesn’t always seem logical, and I know that’s the case for me in this season. It did not seem logical to stop going full force with 1:1 coaching or FCA. It just didn’t make sense. And honestly, it still kind of doesn’t.
But this is just a beautiful reminder that it’s not often going to make sense. But it’s important to follow the promptings when we do have them. And He has always got us. We just have to listen. We have to seek Him first and obey what He is calling us to do.
Let’s go to another Gospel now.
Scripture #3 – Luke 4:24-28
24 Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! 25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? 26 Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?
27 “Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 28 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith!
This passage just gives me chills.
God is going to take care of you. He takes care of the ravens, so why wouldn’t He care about you? His child? You are made in His image.
So yes, my friend, He is going to take care of you. He is going to provide for you.
And just a further note here, I know I’ve mentioned stewardship and discipline in this episode already, but I think it’s really important to mention it here as well.
This is something I also noticed in the Enduring Word Commentary too, and it’s that while, yes, God absolutely takes care of the ravens, but they don’t just sit and wait. They don’t just sit around with open mouths waiting for God to fill them. They do the work, and they don’t worry.
They are stewarding what God has given them.
And honestly, I just really think we can learn a lot from that. I mean, I know I can.
It’s just a huge reminder for me of that beautiful balance of discipline and surrender. I say to my students all the time to take obedient, disciplined, faithful action and surrender the results, or the outcome, to Him. ‘
We’re going to be disciplined and steward our actions and then totally surrender what happens to the Lord.
Because at the end of the day, we know He takes care of the ravens, He allows the lilies to grow, and He’s going to provide for you.
You have to trust Him, and you have to steward what He has given you and the call that He has given you, in the way that He’s calling you to do it. And then fully surrender the outcome to Him, because what we think we might need may not be what we actually need, and we know that the Lord always gives us exactly what we need.
Next Steps
That said, I really hope you join us in the 30 Days of Provision where we will just dive into scripture every day for 30 days and just see what God says about provision over our lives. There is no start date or end date. You can start whenever you want. But basically, there is so much more about provision in the Bible than what we covered here today.
So, I really hope you’ll choose to unpack it alongside me. If you want to gain access to the 30 Days of Provision Scripture download, click HERE.
And that being said, if you loved this and you know you are being called to CEO by God, and you want to make sure you’re getting the support and being held accountable to live out the call He’s placed on your heart, and you also want to do it fueled by your faith and not by your flesh…
Then I want to invite you to get on the waitlist for the Called to CEO Collective. This is the membership I was talking about that the Lord has just put heavily on my heart. We are launching so soon (and for real this time), and I’m truly so stoked to just bring it to life and just see what the Holy Spirit is going to do.
If you want to get on the waitlist, go ahead and head to click HERE.

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