When it comes to your business, have you ever heard the advice to, “Not to put all your eggs in one basket?”
And have you ever wondered what would happen if you lost access to the social media account you’re using to grow your business?
If so, this episode was created with you in mind because every time something weird happens with Instagram or Facebook, everyone (and their mom lol) in business will always start posting saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” They are typically referring to building your email list, getting on multiple social media platforms, or starting a podcast or youtube channel… along with everything else.
And it drives me crazy because while I do agree with this concept to an extent, I just don’t think it’s feasible for a lot of business owners. Especially the ones who are just starting and aren’t making a consistent full-time income yet. This is because you will be stretching yourself very thin if you try to do all the things at once.
YES, start building your email list as soon as you can, but if you’re already not creating a consistent income, I just truly don’t know if your email list is going to pick up the slack if your Instagram disappears. Especially if Instagram is primarily where you’re getting leads.
That said, there was this one time when I thought Instagram kicked me out of my account, and I didn’t think I was going to get access back. But even though this happened, I still knew my business would continue to thrive because of this ONE thing I’m going to share with you in this episode.
You may think it’s because I, “didn’t put all my eggs in one basket,” but that’s not the reason why.
In fact, when I first started coaching, I didn’t utilize my email list, I didn’t have a podcast, and I definitely didn’t have a blog.
I only focused on Instagram and my Facebook group.
That’s it.
And I wouldn’t change anything about it.

Story Time!
That said, a few months back, Instagram had a pretty major glitch. Basically, a lot of people thought they somehow lost access to their Instagram accounts for no reason. I was one of those people.
And if I remember correctly, something weird was happening with my account from other people’s perspectives as well. I don’t really remember what all that was about. But all of this to say, I legitimately thought I lost my Instagram. And during this time, I remember cycling through a ton of emotions.
I remember feeling angry for a moment, annoyed for a moment, frustrated, and sad. And then I got a little bit nervous because I do use Instagram a lot for my business. As I said when I first started coaching, I did put a lot of eggs in that basket. But the truth is, I do not regret it one bit, and I would do it again and again.
While cycling through the initial nervousness, I remember thinking, “Oh my goodness, what do I do?” What is my best course of action here? Do I utilize my email list, go harder on my podcast, etc? What should I do?
And that’s when I realized something.
It legitimately didn’t matter if Instagram got rid of my account.
Because I could just create another one and be totally okay.
But hear me out on this because you might be thinking, “Well, Hannah, you have a podcast, you have an email list, you have this and that.” But honestly, that’s not why I knew that I would be okay.
And this right here is the teaching moment for you.
I knew I would be more than okay because I could just create another account and do exactly what I did before to grow my business.
I want you to notice what I said here. Grow my BUSINESS, not necessarily grow my account.
Now that being said, what did I do? What did I do initially to grow my business that I know would actually still set me up for success even if I lost it all today?
What did I do, and why did I feel so secure in my business even though my Instagram I thought was gone? And why is this different from not putting all your eggs in one basket?
Proactive Lead Generation & Proactive Sales (and why it’s pivotal in my business)
Because when I first started coaching, I developed and truly believe that I have mastered a skill that I call proactive lead generation and proactive sales.
This means that when my business was growing, I didn’t sit around waiting for people to come to me. I was proactive. I got outside of my comfort zone and had value-driven conversations with my ideal clients, and as a result, I was able to serve them with my offer. I didn’t have to wait to sell passively through my content.
Now, don’t get me wrong, content is super important, but I just didn’t sit around twiddling my thumbs and waiting. Being proactive helped me learn a lot about sales and marketing. From having conversations with people, I made a lot of sales because I didn’t sit around waiting. I still now feel very confident with sales because I learned that skill and I know that if my Instagram disappeared tomorrow, I could easily just make another one and do it again.
It would be fine because my business is not relying on the growth of my account. It’s relying on my skill.
That is a teaching moment for you today.
Now that being said, I’m sure you’re wondering if that looks like cold selling?
And to answer your question… No, absolutely not. I do not recommend this and because there are people out there doing this, I feel like proactive lead generation can often receive a bad reputation when it really shouldn’t. Especially if you are doing it with the right frame of mind and heart posture.
I’m going to be 100% transparent with you, I have a ton of clients currently right now that I reach out to first, and they will all tell you they never felt sold to. And at the beginning of my coaching business, roughly 80% of all of my clients came from proactive lead generation.
I just want that to sink in for you. And just so I can drive this point home just a little bit more, if I was making 10k per month, which I was at that point, around $8,000 came from proactive lead generation while $2,000 came from passive lead generation, such as content creation.
I did this on Instagram. Just Instagram.
I put all my eggs in the Instagram basket and I would do it again because when you put all your eggs in different baskets, you are essentially shifting your focus to multiple places.
When you are focusing your energy on one basket, you will see incredible results. When you are focusing on multiple baskets, it’s going to be more difficult to create a consistent income because your focus is split.
When you are just starting or you’ve been in business a while, but can’t seem to secure consistent clients or a full-time income, learning how to proactively sell is the step that I truly believe you could be missing. And honestly, this was really the step that I was missing until I learned how to do it effectively. And when I say effectively, I mean that I was successful in the sense of, a) developing wonderful relationships with humans and not feeling gross, and b) generating sales and generating lots of leads.
That said, if Instagram really did delete my account, I knew my business would continue to thrive because I could just create another one and I could utilize my Daily Sales System, which is a combination of proactive lead generation and sales.
If you’re curious about what that looks like and you want to get all the details on this and learn all about proactive lead generation and sales, then I recommend tuning into episode 30 of this show.
It’s titled, The Skill That Has The Power To Dramatically Increase Your Revenue. And my friends, it is so good, and I highly, highly, highly recommend checking it out after this one because the thing is… I am not the only one who has seen success with this.
I have several students who have used the skill in their businesses and everything changed for them.
My students are leaving their 9-5 jobs to work their businesses full-time. They’re launching their own podcasts, and they’re finally creating a full-time income from their business, which is the result of the Daily Sales System and proactive lead generation. This is something that I cover for you inside of my signature course, Faith-Fueled Coach Academy.
Next Steps
That being said, if you know the Lord has called you to grow a Holy Spirit-led coaching business, then I have some great news for you. The castle doors to my signature course, Faith-Fueled Coach Academy, or FCA, are officially open.
Faith-Fueled Coach Academy is a loving community of ambitious faith-fueled women paired with a supportive curriculum and mentorship strategically designed to help you start, grow and scale your Holy Spirit-led coaching business.
If you are an ambitious faith-fueled female who is ready to start a coaching business OR you are already a coach and you’re ready to bring in that consistent full-time income online, then this is for you.
Inside this course, you will find yourself fully equipped with all of the business strategies, high-level support, prayer, and accountability you could ever need to turn your God-sized dream into a thriving, faith-fueled coaching business.
You will get access to me as I guide you through everything you need to know about stepping into your Queen Identity, letting the Holy Spirit guide you in your business, and overcoming the limiting beliefs (aka the lies the enemy keeps whispering in your ear) that are keeping you stuck. With the Holy Spirit guiding us, we will clarify your mission, develop your sustainable and scalable business model, create magnetizing content that will keep your audience coming back for more, utilize simple, and effective marketing techniques, and utilize my Daily Sales System proven to generate new leads daily and prevent objections like the Queen that you are.
And yes, you can get paid right off the bat, even if you’re just starting.
If you are craving to do business God’s way and for Him, if you know the importance of being fully led by the Holy Spirit, and if you don’t want to get carried away with fleshly desires and are craving how to balance surrender with discipline and taking aligned intentional action…
Then FCA is for you.
If you are feeling that Holy Spirit nudge right now, head on over to www.hannahbrindley.com/fca to learn more about the course, read success stories, and enroll.
And of course, if you have any questions about the course, or just want to talk things over, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me on Instagram @hannahbrindley or via email at hannah@hannahbrindley.com.
If you are curious on how I coach, I highly recommend checking my FREE Attract Your Queendom training. This training takes an immersive approach to attracting your ideal client to you, so you can then create content that attracts clients to you efficiently and effectively. I’ve had multiple people tell me this training alone has changed the game for them! If you go through it, please send me a DM over on Instagram (@hannahbrindley) and let me know your thoughts!

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