If you have ever struggled with closing sales calls or ever really felt nervous about sales calls, then this is the episode for you. In this episode, I’m walking you through how I went from feeling totally scared of sales calls to the point of just wanting to call it quits, to now loving sales calls and having a closing rate of 70%, which is way higher than the industry standard.
By now, I’m sure you’re probably wondering, “Well, what changed?”
And the truth is, there was ONE shift that I made that absolutely transformed the way I approach sales calls that have really contributed to this newfound love for them, and also contributed to my high closing rate. And I cannot wait to share it with you.
But first…
We are celebrating my podcast one year anniversary and the podcast rebrand with an amazing giveaway!
I am actually giving away two incredible prizes, so keep on reading to learn what they are and how you can win. One person will win the first prize and another person will win the second prize. So there are two chances to win. The first prize is $50 in cash money that I will send to someone via PayPal or Venmo.
The second prize is a full scholarship to my recently launched signature course,
Faith-Fueled Coach Academy. Yes, you read that right, a full scholarship to the course. I literally cannot believe I’m doing it, but I am. If you want to learn more about the course just to see if it’s something you would love, be sure to click HERE.
Now that being said, how can you win these amazing prizes? It’s simple. There are only two steps. First, all you have to do is leave a rating and review of this podcast over on Apple Podcasts.
If you’ve already left a review on Apple Podcasts previously, you are good to go.
The second part is to take a screenshot of either your review or take a screenshot of you listening to this show and tag me in your story over on Instagram while sharing your thoughts on the show. Now, in case you didn’t know, my handle for Instagram is @hannahbrindley.
Please note that once you leave a review and once you post your first screenshot, that actually gets you one entry to win the prizes. However, every single tag you make will be an entry to win the prizes. You can literally share about this podcast 10 times if you want, and it will literally give you an entry every single time just to make sure you tag me or else I won’t know.
In order to be eligible to win, you must complete these tasks before 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time on Friday, March 3rd, 2023. The giveaway is lasting about a week and a half, which is so exciting because that gives you enough time to catch up on episodes and gives you time to share about the podcast as much as you feel led to over on Instagram.
Let’s dive in!

The One Shift…
At the beginning of my coaching journey, I used to get so nervous to get on sales calls.
I actually remember the very first time someone said yes to getting on a sales call with me.
I was in a coffee shop in San Diego passing the time as I waited to catch my flight back home. The reason I was in San Diego was for an in-person mastermind which helped me launch my coaching business.
When I received that Facebook message that someone actually wanted to get on a sales call with me, I literally started panicking. I remember being in this coffee shop with tears rolling down my face, and I had debilitating anxiety.
I did not respond to this person for hours because I was convinced I was probably going to say, “Never mind, I’m actually not going to pursue this because it’s just not for me.” I really thought at that moment I wasn’t going to follow through with it because I was that afraid.
Even though I spent all this money on a mastermind to help me do it and launch it, I was just going to stop. I got that scared.
I know some of you reading this might be dealing with some sort of fear, anxiety or nervousness around sales calls as well, so I want you to know that you are not alone. I was terrified. I was at a coffee shop crying and was thinking, “Oh my goodness, what did I do? Why did I come here? Why did I come to this mastermind? Why did I decide to launch this business?”
I was freaking out.
All of this to say, that is so different from how I am today because now I love sales calls. I thoroughly enjoy them. And obviously, that has not always been the case.
So the question is… What changed?
And to answer that question, there was really only one major shift that happened that totally changed my perspective of sales calls, but also totally transformed them and led me to have a 70% closing rate, which is quite high compared to industry standards.
So what is it then? What was the one shift?
I started approaching sales calls as if the person on the sales call was already my client.
Let me repeat that.
Approach your sales calls as if they are already a client.
I told you it was simple, but it is truly so effective.
Think about it. How would you act on a call if they were already a client?
It immediately takes the pressure off and you can actually start showing up as the leader you are because you aren’t so concerned about how the call is going to go. If you approach it like they’re already your client, you aren’t going to hold back.
And I truly think a lot of people go into sales calls holding back because they’ve been taught that they don’t need to coach or give advice on a sales call. And personally, I just think that’s a bunch of bologna. Lololol.
I’m not saying to go make your sales call a full-on coaching session. That’s not what I’m saying at all. But what I’m saying is that if you are feeling led to share something with them, but you have felt in the past that you’re not “supposed” to, because you’re not “supposed” to coach on a sales call, please follow your gut and just share what the Holy Spirit is prompting you to do.
The truth is, I kind of made my own rules when it comes to sales calls, and as I said, I have a 70% closing rate on sales calls, and I don’t do them by industry standards because I have chosen to approach the call like they’re already my client.
In addition, there’s actually something else that is an industry-standard with sales calls that I do not follow because of this approach that I have.
And when I tell you what it is, you’re probably going to be shocked.
It’s that my sales calls are 90 minutes long. I do not have 30-minute sales calls or 45-minute discovery calls. I don’t even do one hour. I do 90 minutes. And the reason is that I do not want to feel rushed on a sales call, and I don’t want my potential client to feel rushed on a sales call.
And the truth is, it’s so important to showcase the kind of love, the kind of support, and the kind of service they are actually going to receive from you when they do start working with you. This 90-minute sales call is almost like a taste of what it would be like to work with me 1:1, which is another reason why I don’t hold back.
It’s not a full-on coaching session by any means, but my intention for that call is not necessarily to sell them. It’s for them to have a breakthrough whether or not they decide to work with me. I want them to walk away feeling fulfilled and feeling excited about their next steps.
I understand why people do 30-minute sales calls. I get it. You don’t want to give them too much information, or you don’t have enough time to be on a 90-minute sales call.
But if I’m going to work with someone intimately in one-on-one coaching, which is what I ultimately do sales calls for, I want to take the time to get to know them, and I just can’t do that in 30 minutes.
Also, the proof was in the pudding. Like I said, my closing rate is 70%. Why would I change what I’m doing simply because someone told me not to do 90-minute sales calls?
I truly believe that if I cut that time in half, my closing rate might be closer to the average.
I have coached a lot of people through their sales calls and they are always so surprised at their results because they start closing sales and it’s truly so incredible to witness. I just love seeing that so much, which is exactly why it’s something I cover for you inside of my signature course, Faith-Fueled Coach Academy.
Now listen, if you are feeling led to finally start or scale your Holy Spirit-led coaching business, FCA is for you, my friend.
I have successfully scaled my coaching business to six figures, and I did it with one-on-one coaching, by the way. Not with group coaching, or with courses, it was just one-on-one coaching.
That said, I sure do hope to see you inside of FCA if you’re feeling called to grow your coaching business.
Next Steps
Now with that being said, if you know the Lord has called you to grow a Holy Spirit-led coaching business, then I have some great news for you. The castle doors to my signature course, Faith-Fueled Coach Academy, or FCA, are officially open.
Faith-Fueled Coach Academy is a loving community of ambitious faith-fueled women paired with a supportive curriculum and mentorship strategically designed to help you start, grow and scale your Holy Spirit-led coaching business.
If you are an ambitious faith-fueled female who is ready to start a coaching business OR you are already a coach and you’re ready to bring in that consistent full-time income online, then this is for you.
Inside this course, you will find yourself fully equipped with all of the business strategies, high-level support, prayer, and accountability you could ever need to turn your God-sized dream into a thriving, faith-fueled coaching business.
You will get access to me as I guide you through everything you need to know about stepping into your Queen Identity, letting the Holy Spirit guide you in your business, and overcoming the limiting beliefs (aka the lies the enemy keeps whispering in your ear) that are keeping you stuck. With the Holy Spirit guiding us, we will clarify your mission, develop your sustainable and scalable business model, create magnetizing content that will keep your audience coming back for more, utilize simple, and effective marketing techniques, and utilize my Daily Sales System proven to generate new leads daily and prevent objections like the Queen that you are.
And yes, you can get paid right off the bat, even if you’re just starting.
If you are craving to do business God’s way and for Him, if you know the importance of being fully led by the Holy Spirit, and if you don’t want to get carried away with fleshly desires and are craving how to balance surrender with discipline and taking aligned intentional action…
Then FCA is for you.
If you are feeling that Holy Spirit nudge right now, head on over to www.hannahbrindley.com/fca to learn more about the course, read success stories, and enroll.
And of course, if you have any questions about the course, or just want to talk things over, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me on Instagram @hannahbrindley or via email at hannah@hannahbrindley.com.
If you are curious on how I coach, I highly recommend checking my FREE Attract Your Queendom training. This training takes an immersive approach to attracting your ideal client to you, so you can then create content that attracts clients to you efficiently and effectively. I’ve had multiple people tell me this training alone has changed the game for them! If you go through it, please send me a DM over on Instagram (@hannahbrindley) and let me know your thoughts!

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