I have such a special announcement! We are celebrating two major things happening for this brand!
The first is that the podcast is now officially the Called to CEO Podcast, formerly known as the Reclaimed To Reign Podcast.
This rebrand has been one year in the making because we are also celebrating the one-year anniversary of this podcast. There has been an episode released every single Tuesday for an entire year.
WOW, crazy right?!
And the thing is, when I started this podcast, I knew going in that most podcasts that start wind up failing because they don’t continue after the first few episodes.
Knowing this, I committed to putting out an episode every single week no matter what for an entire year. I committed to that before I even started, and we did that even when it got really, really hard. What a journey it has been thus far.
That being said, I am going to be sharing with you three major lessons I learned from podcasting every single week for a full year.
These lessons were huge for me this year, and I have a feeling that someone needs to hear about these lessons also. That’s why we decided to bring this episode together for you.
Now before we fully dive into today’s episode, since we are celebrating the rebrand and one-year anniversary of this podcast, we are doing something extra special.
I am actually giving away two incredible prizes, so keep on listening to learn what they are and how you can win. One person will win the first prize and another person will win the second prize. So there are two chances to win. The first prize is $50 in cash money that I will send to someone via PayPal or Venn.
The second prize is a full scholarship to my recently launched signature course,
Faith-Fueled Coach Academy. Yes, you read that right, a full scholarship to the course. I literally cannot believe I’m doing it, but I am.
If you want to learn more about the course just to see if it’s something you would love, be sure to click HERE.
Now that being said, how can you win these amazing prizes? It’s simple. There are only two steps. First, all you have to do is leave a rating and review of this podcast over on Apple Podcast.
If you’ve already left a review on Apple Podcast previously, you are good to go. The second part is to take a screenshot of either your review, or take a screenshot of you listening to this show, and tag me in your story over on Instagram while sharing your thoughts on the show. My handle for Instagram is @hannahbrindley.
Please note that once you leave a review and once you post your first screenshot, that actually gets you one entry to win the prizes. However, every single tag you make will be an entry to win the prizes. You can literally share about this podcast 10 times if you want, and it will give you an entry every single time. Just to make sure you tag me or else I won’t know.
In order to be eligible to win, you must complete these tasks before 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time on Friday, March 3rd, 2023. The giveaway is lasting about a week and a half, which is so exciting because that gives you enough time to catch up on episodes and gives you time to share about the podcast as much as you feel led to over on Instagram.
As I mentioned, I’ve got three major lessons I learned from podcasting every single week for a full year, and they are so good.
Let’s dive in!

Lesson #1 – Action Creates Clarity
The first lesson that just was driven home for me this year was that action creates clarity. I say this all the time, but after a full year of podcasting, I can 100% confirm that this just remains to be true.
There have been so many times when I had no earthly idea what I was doing. I felt confused and conflicted about where my brand and business were heading, but I took action anyway despite all of that. I intentionally remained consistent with the podcast and by doing so, it created clarity.
While I am a big believer in taking a step back and pausing, sometimes you have to obey and just remain disciplined as well.
There is power in the Holy Pause, but there are sometimes when you are being called to persevere and the podcast was that for me at the end of 2022. The Lord was really prompting me to press pause on a lot of things and take a step back on a lot of things, but the podcast was not one of those things.
I remember actually saying, “God, can I please just take a break on this podcast?” And I just knew I wasn’t supposed to–I just knew he was calling me to keep persevering. Sometimes obedient action is exactly what we’re supposed to be taking, even if we have no idea why. Continuing to do this, despite my immediate wants and desires actually ended up creating so much clarity for the vision of my brand.
It has literally been refining what my mission is for my brand and for this podcast, and honestly, the mission is the same, but it’s just getting more and more defined, especially since He was calling me to kind of take a step back from things at the end of 2022. I started questioning a lot, but this podcast was one of the things that I knew I was supposed to do consistently, even though I didn’t know what direction I was going in.
But now, I have a much clearer idea of what that direction is. I wouldn’t have known this if I would’ve let the podcast go. And the mission behind Called to CEO is really to break down the barrier between faith and business and to cultivate a very safe space for the Faith-Fueled CEO to learn and grow, and to get even more rooted in Christ.
I want you to know that this core mission really drove me. There were so many weeks where I just wanted to say, “We’re not going to put out an episode this week,” or, “We’re going to take a month off.” There were so many times that I wanted to do that, and the Lord would tell me, “No, you are creating a safe space for the Faith-Fueled CEO. It’s time to persevere. It’s time to stay disciplined. Obey me.”
Lesson #2 – Consistent Long Form Content Enhances Credibility
Continuing with the podcast, even when I didn’t feel like it taught me a lot, which brings me to lesson number two. And that is that credibility gets built when you stay consistent with long-form content.
When I say long-form content, that could be podcasting, posting long-form videos on YouTube, a weekly email newsletter, a weekly live show, etc.
Whatever it is you choose, you are increasing your credibility as a creator, as a mentor, as a business owner, and as a CEO when you stay consistent with long-form content. Creating long-form content consistently is not for the faint of heart, and I think a lot more people are starting to recognize this.
The truth is podcasting, and other long-form content, is a long game.
I say this because if you want to make money fast, podcasting is probably not the way to go. However, if you are looking for a way to bring in a full-time income from home, then I just want to encourage you to check out my signature course, Faith-Fueled Coach Academy.
I literally walk you through everything you need to know if you are ready to start or scale your Holy Spirit-led coaching business if that is just something that you are feeling led to.
But that said, podcasting and long-form content in general is a long game.
It takes time to build a listenership, readership or a viewership, but it is a great way to nurture the audience you already have and will continue to have by getting more and more people listening to your show.
That said, I just wanna make sure I put out there that podcasting is not how I created 6 figures in my coaching business.
I didn’t launch a podcast until after I already had a 6-figure year. Keep in mind, that is not me saying for you not to start one. That’s not me saying that at all.
I think honestly, the sooner you start creating long-form content, the better. However, I know that before I had a 6-figure year, I was not in a place where I could sustainably keep a podcast going.
So for me, it made sense to hold off.
When I say, “The sooner, the better,” I don’t necessarily mean to start tomorrow. I mean the soonest YOU can sustainably create something like that.
That said, because podcasting is such a long game, this really created a lot of determination and resilience on my end, especially when I didn’t want to do it for some weeks, or some months.
I really had to learn how to keep going and how to stay disciplined even when I didn’t feel like it. It has also helped me recognize when I’m just wanting to feel affirmed or validated because I want instant gratification because the thing with podcasting is that it’s not instantly gratifying.
So, I started noticing when I started pouring into the podcast, I wasn’t getting that instant gratification anymore that I would normally get when I posted on social media. So that being said, again, it just really hit the nail on the head with me just recognizing that I was seeking instant gratification.
I had to go to the Lord and repent for that.
But also it helped me build that resilience and discipline muscles because I wasn’t just seeking instant gratification anymore. I was actively, solely trying to push this mission forward and that is it.
Now, if you are someone that is in this for the long haul and you want to start creating long-form content sooner rather than later, then I encourage you to ask yourself the question, “What kind of content can you create that you can put out every single week, no matter what?”
I knew for 3 years that podcasting was going to be that for me. This podcast was three years in the making.
If you want to learn more about that story, check out episode one of the show. I walk you through that whole three-year journey. But that being said, for me it was podcasting. But before podcasting, I tried doing a weekly live show inside of my Facebook group.
You could totally do that, or you could do a weekly newsletter to your email list, a weekly blog post, a weekly YouTube video, or a weekly live show on Instagram. It doesn’t matter, but I do recommend starting something if you want to start building insane credibility with your audience.
Consistency really is so important, and I know you’re tired of hearing that from everyone on the planet, but when it comes to long-form content, it is especially important. Long-form content is already difficult to grow enough by itself when you are consistent, so taking away the consistency is going to make it even more difficult to grow.
When I started the podcast, I made a commitment to myself that for an entire year, I would put out an episode every single week without fail, and I did it. This episode today marks the one-year mark, which is so amazing.
And let me tell you…
I went through some really rough months this first year.
There were times when I wanted to not put out a podcast episode, but I knew the Holy Spirit was prompting me to persevere just like He prompted me to pause and let go of a lot of things. I shared more about that in episode 53 of the show, which is titled, “I Have No Plan Faith-Based Business in 2023. Here’s What I’m Doing Instead.”
Ask yourself: “What can you commit to, right now? “What can you commit to for an entire year?”
And that, my friend, is what you should focus on.
And when you do commit, commit to it.
Go all in.
Lesson #3 – Importance of Developing Writing & Speaking Skills
This isn’t necessarily a lesson per se, but more so like a skill that’s developed.
The third thing is that I have been able to really hone in on developing my writing and speaking skills.
When I first started podcasting, I scripted out everything to a T…. and it is totally okay to script out everything if that’s what you need to do. But as I continued podcasting, I gained a lot more confidence in my speaking skills and my ability to ‘riff’ than I ever have before. Because let’s just be honest, scripting a podcast episode every single week is exhausting.
After a couple of months of podcasting and scripting, I realized that this method I had was not going to be sustainable. I was not going to be able to script out every single episode and put out an episode every single week. It just wasn’t going to be able to happen because when I script, it takes two to three hours to fully script out an episode. So, I knew pretty early that was not going to work for the longevity of the podcast. This is when I started outlining my episodes and putting some notes in here and there, and I started truly riffing my episodes and just getting on my laptop and hitting record.
Now, don’t get me wrong, there are some episodes I script out more than others. And honestly, this is really, really big for me because as I mentioned, I scripted out every single episode, and that’s because growing up, public speaking was my biggest fear.
I used to be super shy. Honestly, I still am shy if I’m totally honest. I’m very reserved in a group of people, but when I was growing up, I was so scared that I wouldn’t even raise my hand in class. If you would’ve asked me six or seven years ago if I would even have a podcast, I don’t know how I would respond… That would’ve felt incredibly daunting.
That said, I’ve honestly loved podcasting and it’s helped me realize that I really feel called to start moving into the writing and into the speaking space more, which has honestly been the vision since about a year into my entrepreneurial journey.
This year of podcasting really helped me realize that it’s time to write more, and this is something that the Holy Spirit was prompting me to do at the end of last year and the beginning of this year.
Now, if you tuned into episode 53 of this show, which is titled “I Have No Plan for My Faith-Based Business in 2023. Here’s What I’m Doing Instead,” then you know that I was really struggling with setting goals or intentions for the year because I knew something was supposed to shift and change, and I had no plan.
I also mentioned in that episode, I only knew the next step that God was giving me. He wasn’t revealing all the steps to me. So, this is me sharing with you what my next step was. My next step was to rebrand the podcast, put up Faith-Fueled Coach Academy as a course instead of a group program, and it was to start pursuing what it would look like for me to focus on writing and speaking.
And the podcast obviously plays a huge role in that.
I’m really looking forward to seeing what God does.
All of that to say, that’s it, my friends. Those are the three major things I’ve learned after my one year of consistent podcasting.
Don’t forget to enter the giveaway! Leave a review on Apple Podcast and then share the podcast to your Instagram story and tag me to be enter! Giveaway ends March 3rd, 2023!
Next Steps
Now with that being said, if you know the Lord has called you to grow a Holy Spirit-led coaching business, then I have some great news for you. The castle doors to my signature course, Faith-Fueled Coach Academy, or FCA, are officially open.
Faith-Fueled Coach Academy is a loving community of ambitious faith-fueled women paired with a supportive curriculum and mentorship strategically designed to help you start, grow and scale your Holy Spirit-led coaching business.
If you are an ambitious faith-fueled female who is ready to start a coaching business OR you are already a coach and you’re ready to bring in that consistent full-time income online, then this is for you.
Inside of this course, you will find yourself fully equipped with all of the business strategies, high-level support, prayer, and accountability you could ever need to turn your God-sized dream into a thriving, faith-fueled coaching business.
You will get access to me as I guide you through everything you need to know about stepping into your Queen Identity, letting the Holy Spirit guide you in your business, and overcoming the limiting beliefs (aka the lies the enemy keeps whispering in your ear) that are keeping you stuck. With the Holy Spirit guiding us, we will clarify your mission, develop your sustainable and scalable business model, create magnetizing content that will keep your audience coming back for more, utilize simple, and effective marketing techniques, and utilize my Daily Sales System proven to generate new leads daily and prevent objections like the Queen that you are.
And yes, you can get paid right off the bat, even if you’re just starting.
If you are craving to do business God’s way and for Him, if you know the importance of being fully led by the Holy Spirit, and if you don’t want to get carried away with fleshly desires and are craving how to balance surrender with discipline and taking aligned intentional action…
Then FCA is for you.
If you are feeling that Holy Spirit nudge right now, head on over to www.hannahbrindley.com/fca to learn more about the course, read success stories, and enroll.
And of course, if you have any questions about the course, or just want to talk things over, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me over on Instagram @hannahbrindley or via email at hannah@hannahbrindley.com.
If you are curious on how I coach, I highly recommend checking my FREE Attract Your Queendom training. This training takes an immersive approach to attracting your ideal client to you, so you can then create content that attracts clients to you efficiently and effectively. I’ve had multiple people tell me this training alone has changed the game for them! If you go through it, please send me a DM over on Instagram (@hannahbrindley) and let me know your thoughts!

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