Have you been doing “all the things,” but STILL not seeing results in your faith-filled business?
This episode covers the NUMBER ONE THING you’ve got to STOP doing if you want to go full-time in your faith-based business… and what to do instead.
When I first started in the online space, I felt like I was way over my head. I thought I needed a fancy website, an email funnel, a lot of followers, multiple offers, one-on-one coaching, masterminds, courses, eBooks, the perfect launch strategy, and a perfectly curated sales page.
Maybe I’m exaggerating that a little bit, but I know that you get it. And this was just for the marketing side of things. Then add on creating a curriculum, a product, managing clients, and trying to learn all of the technology. So, naturally, I ended up getting myself in a cycle of burnout.
But to be a full-time entrepreneur, you don’t need all these things, and I’m revealing to you why in this episode.
- The number 1 thing holding you back from going full-time in your faith-based business
- What a simple sales funnel that brings in new leads and clients on repeat looks like
- How to accelerate your leads into buyers
- The one thing you need to master in your business first
Let’s do this.

The Biggest Reason Most People Are Not Able to Go Full-Time In Their Faith-Based Business
It’s a little difficult to pick out one problem because everyone really is different, but, from my experience in my own business and also working with so many other people, this really is applicable across the board.
I believe the number one thing that is holding you back from going full-time in your business is a lack of focus. The big problem you may be facing is that you’re trying to get to a specific result by going in all of these different directions instead of just focusing on one direction.
You’ve probably been downloading all the freebies, doing all the free challenges, and listening to all the podcasts and every single person you’re listening to has a different strategy that you may be trying to implement them all.
When you start focusing on all of these different things, you can quickly feel overwhelmed if you do not pick one direction and learn to master that direction. You are going to stay in a state of burnout and confusion, and on top of that, your income is not going to reflect what you need it to because you’re all over the place.
I say that with all the love in the world because I really want to see you and your business take off and impact the Kingdom of God.
If you are going in multiple different directions, trying every single strategy and coming up with new ideas and offers every single week, it’s similar to trying to fuel multiple cars to get you to one specific destination. You only have one can of fuel, and are trying to disperse this fuel among all the different vehicles trying to get you to the same destination. The problem with that is that none of those vehicles are getting enough fuel to get you to that destination, so you wind up back at square one every single time and it becomes a vicious cycle.
Instead of trying to fuel multiple vehicles, focus on fueling one at a time.
As cliché as this sounds, try to be patient.
By now I’m sure you’re probably wondering, “What do I actually focus on?”
First and foremost, I highly recommend focusing on mastering and optimizing one offer in which you solve one core problem first.
For example, my one offer for a long time was Faith-Fueled Coach Academy, and the one core problem I solved at the time was that I helped my clients start, grow and scale a Holy Spirit-led coaching business.
By helping my clients solve that one core problem, I also helped them solve multiple pains that are symptoms of that one core problem.
It’s only been recently that we’ve added to that by launching the Called to CEO Collective, which is my membership for Christian entrepreneurs, and last week, we just launched our brand new comprehensive guide, the Faith-Fueled Business Blueprint (discounted to $47 until October 9th).
If you need help determining your offer and selling it online, I do highly recommend checking out the Faith-Fueled Business Blueprint. This is your very own 30 day step-by-step guide to help you create, launch, and sell your digital products and services online.
This is the exact framework I use to start my own business and scale it to 6-figures, as well as the exact process that has led my own students to busting through their own doubts and going full-time in their online businesses.
Once you determine your one offer and your one core problem, you will then want to utilize one lead generator, one accelerator, and one converter.
So, now I’m going to break down for you what these are and also give you examples of what they have been for my business.
Focus on ONE Lead Generator
A lead generator is a tool that is going to generate leads for you. Essentially, this means what platform, tool, or resource you are going to be utilizing to generate leads? My first few years of coaching, Instagram was my main lead generator.
That was it.
I wasn’t on multiple different platforms. I had them but I wasn’t utilizing it to generate leads. I didn’t have a podcast. I kept it super simple. I created content and had productive conversations with my ideal clients, and I became a 6-figure business owner. Today, my podcast also serves as a lead generator in my business, so I now have my Instagram and my podcast.
That said, choose one platform to be a lead generator for you. If you want to add on later, you totally can, but choose to master one platform first. If you are brand new, I highly recommend starting with Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok because when you are just getting started with your business, you need to understand what your audience needs and wants.
Social media platforms can help validate your message and your marketing.
Meaning, you’re going to be able to determine what kind of messaging and marketing works for your ideal clients and it’s a lot easier to do that on social media platforms. I do know that it may take a little bit of time to truly identify your niche and as your business grows and changes, so will your niche, but it’s really important to take time on your social media platform of choice to understand what messaging works and what connects with your ideal clients.
Because if it’s not working on a social media platform, it probably isn’t going to work on an evergreen platform like a blog, podcast, or YouTube channel.
However, if the Holy Spirit is leading you to start a blog, a podcast, or a YouTube channel, just scratch everything I said, because I know He knows way more than I do.
Choose ONE Accelerator
An accelerator is a tool, resource or even a platform that is going to essentially accelerate your cold leads into warm ones. An accelerator is going to nurture your ideal clients so that they become warm leads.
For the first couple of years of my business, my one accelerator was a free training. It is no secret that I have used the same training again and again because it works to warm up my leads. The training is called Attract Your Queendom, and this training has been my accelerator to turn my cold leads into warm leads for years.
Now, my podcast also accelerates the cold leads to warm leads as well. It acts as a lead generator and as an accelerator because I’m consistently nurturing my audience.
Something to keep in mind here is that if you need help coming up with and creating your accelerator, the Faith-Fueled Business Blueprint is going to walk you through that process.
Find Your ONE Converter
For my 1:1 coaching, my converter is an application call. For Faith-Fueled Coach Academy, which is my signature course, the converter is a sales page, a DM conversation, and even the Called to CEO podcast (Apple & Spotify). That is also the same for the Called to CEO Collective which is my membership and also my newest digital product, the Faith-Fueled Business Blueprint.
That being said, you first have to determine your one offer with the one core problem that you solve in that offer, then you must determine your one lead generator. Your lead generator will then direct your idle clients to your one accelerator, which will eventually lead to your one converter, and then you will have a paying customer.
How the Faith-Fueled Business Blueprint Can Help You
If you’re ready to finally start monetizing your God-given message with digital products or services online and finally cultivate that thriving Holy Spirit-led business the Lord keeps pressing on your heart, then the Faith-Fueled Business Blueprint might be made just for you.
It will be your very own step-by-step guide to help you create, launch, and sell your digital products and services online while doing so in a way that glorifies the Lord.
Yes, it will be perfect for you even if you don’t know what to sell.
It is the exact framework I use to start my own business and scale it to 6-figures as well as the exact process that has led my own students to bust through their own doubts and go full time in their own online businesses.
Some people might actually think I’m crazy for this but right now I am offering a launch discount for the first two weeks, you can grab this comprehensive guide for only $47!!
P.S. I have a free gift for you! If you want a list of 100 digital product and service ideas grouped together by different industries to help get your brain juices flowing, or even if you’re just curious on different offers you could put together to create some income online then head here!

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